Hillsfollow Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


If you are looking for a destination with a gentle climate and a calming pace to life, Hillsfollow can do no wrong. The homeland of Halflings, you can be assured of access to great comforts- from sweet pipeleaf to the finest teas and relaxing bathhouses- Hillsfollow has it all. To the North, you can visit the Elven city of Falas Tar and its surrounding orchards and vineyards, built over two-hundred years ago during the Elven expansion from Lemyatel.   To know before your travels:  
  • Most will find the climate of Hillsfollow to be quite comfortable year-round, barely needing even the gentle warmth of a small hearthfire to warm you in the dead of Winter. Summers are warm but pleasant, and the soft, grassy meadows stay green throughout the year.

  • Arrival by ship can be accomplished at either major port- Falas Tar or Greenhaven. Those afraid of heights will want to brace themselves, as scaling the stairs and bridges from the docks to the clifftop cities can be a dizzying trip!

  • The gently rolling hillsides and soft grasses are well inviting for travelers to walk through the countryside. You may even spot some of the famous Pint Cuus- a breed of small, fuzzy cattle raised in the region. Crosscountry travel by foot through Hillsfollow is made even easier by her welcoming people. The Halfling farmfolk are for the most part an accomidating lot so long as you mind your manners and don't overstay your welcome.

  • Use extreme caution when traveling near the riverside boarder with Vacrux, as the neighboring nation's Hobgoblins have been known to raid the river's edge without warning. If traveling by river, hire a well-vetted captain to ensure safe arrival at your destination.
  The Cities & Towns of Hillsfollow:  
Known World map of Yeshilan
The seaside cliffs of Hillsfollow
Clouds rolling across the grassy hills