Acquisitions Incorporated Franchise A

Acquisitions Incorporated Overview   Founding and Expansion:   Acquisitions Incorporated (Acq Inc) began as a small adventuring company in the heart of Camelot, known as Franchise A. The founders, a group of enterprising adventurers, saw an opportunity to monetize their skills and provide a structured service for those in need of problem-solving, monster slaying, and treasure hunting. Their success and innovative approach to adventuring quickly gained attention, leading to the establishment of additional franchises.    Structure and Franchises: Acq Inc operates on a franchise model, with each franchise independently run but adhering to the core principles and guidelines set by the original founders. Each franchise is designated by a letter, starting with Franchise A in Camelot. As of now, there are franchises up to Franchise K, with each located in different regions and cities, ensuring widespread coverage and availability of their services.   Franchise A (Camelot): The original and flagship franchise, known for its elite team of adventurers and high-profile contracts.   Franchise B - K: Each franchise is unique, often specializing in different types of contracts or focusing on regional needs. They maintain a friendly rivalry and often collaborate on larger, more complex missions.


Acquisitions Incorporated: Organizational Structure   Acquisitions Incorporated (Acq Inc) has a well-defined hierarchy that ensures smooth operation and effective management across its many franchises. The structure balances centralized oversight with decentralized execution, allowing each franchise to adapt to local needs while adhering to the organization's core principles.   Head Office Roles Chief Executive Officer (CEO):   Role: The ultimate leader of AI, responsible for the strategic vision and overall direction of the organization.   Responsibilities:
  • Setting long-term goals and policies.
  • Overseeing all franchises and ensuring they adhere to AI standards.
  • Representing AI in high-profile negotiations and public appearances.
  • Making final decisions on major contracts and expansions.
  Chief Financial Officer (CFO):   Role: Oversees the financial health of the entire organization.   Responsibilities:
  • Managing budgets and financial planning.
  • Ensuring profitable operations across all franchises.
  • Approving major expenditures and investments.
  • Maintaining financial records and reporting to the CEO.
Chief Operations Officer (COO):   Role: Handles the day-to-day operations of Acq Inc.   Responsibilities:
  • Coordinating activities between franchises.
  • Implementing and maintaining operational policies and procedures.
  • Overseeing training and development programs.
  • Ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.
Franchise Roles   Franchise Owner (Rank 1):   Role: The leader of an individual franchise, responsible for its success and adherence to AI's principles.   Responsibilities:
  • Managing all franchise operations and personnel.
  • Securing and overseeing contracts.
  • Reporting to the Head Office on performance and issues.
  • Representing the franchise in local matters.
Cartographer (Rank 1):   Role: Responsible for mapping and documenting areas of interest.   Responsibilities:
  • Creating and updating maps of explored areas.
  • Providing strategic information for missions.
  • Maintaining records of discoveries and routes.
Decisionist (Rank 2):   Role: Makes critical decisions during missions and contracts.   Responsibilities:
  • Leading team discussions and making final calls.
  • Ensuring decisions align with AI’s goals and policies.
  • Documenting decisions and their outcomes for future reference.
Documancer (Rank 2):   Role: Manages all documentation and administrative tasks.   Responsibilities:
  • Keeping accurate records of missions and contracts.
  • Handling legal documents and contracts.
  • Ensuring compliance with Acq Inc policies.
Hoardsperson (Rank 2):   Role: Oversees the management of treasure and resources.   Responsibilities:
  • Accounting for all acquired treasure and resources.
  • Managing inventory and resource allocation.
  • Ensuring the security of valuable items.
Loremonger (Rank 2):   Role: Manages knowledge and research.   Responsibilities:
  • Conducting research on relevant topics.
  • Providing knowledge and insights for missions.
  • Maintaining a library of information.
Obviator (Rank 3):   Role: Strategist and risk assessor.   Responsibilities:
  • Identifying and mitigating risks.
  • Developing strategies for successful missions.
  • Advising the team on tactical decisions.
Occultant (Rank 3):   Role: Deals with supernatural elements and threats.   Responsibilities:
  • Handling magical and otherworldly matters.
  • Protecting the team from supernatural dangers.
  • Advising on mystical aspects of missions.
Secretarian (Rank 3):   Role: Handles covert operations and espionage.   Responsibilities:
  • Gathering intelligence and conducting surveillance.
  • Managing undercover missions.
  • Ensuring the confidentiality of sensitive information.
Specialized Roles   Acolyte (Intern):   Role: Entry-level position for aspiring adventurers.   Responsibilities:
  • Assisting senior members in missions.
  • Learning Acq Inc protocols and gaining practical experience.
  • Performing basic tasks and errands.
  • Participating in training and development programs.
Summary Acquisitions Incorporated's structured hierarchy ensures clear roles and responsibilities, enabling efficient and effective operation across its franchises. From the central leadership at the Head Office to the dedicated field agents in each franchise, every member plays a crucial role in maintaining AI's reputation and delivering top-notch adventuring services.


Operational Style: AI franchises operate with a mix of professionalism and showmanship. They are known for their elaborate and often theatrical approach to adventuring, turning mundane tasks into grand spectacles. This style not only attracts clients but also garners public interest and loyalty.   Reputation and Influence: AI is widely respected and has a significant influence across the realm. Their ability to handle high-stakes missions with efficiency and flair has earned them a reputation as the go-to organization for adventuring needs. Each franchise contributes to this reputation, maintaining high standards and continuously seeking to expand their influence and capabilities.

Public Agenda

Services Offered: Acq Inc offers a wide range of services, including but not limited to:  
  • Monster Extermination: Handling infestations and rogue creatures threatening towns and cities.
  • Treasure Recovery: Locating and retrieving lost or stolen artifacts and treasures.
  • Security Services: Providing protection for caravans, important figures, and events.
  • Investigations: Solving mysteries, uncovering plots, and gathering intelligence.
  • Diplomatic Missions: Serving as neutral mediators and negotiators in disputes.

you inquire - and we acquire.

Founding Date
209 CD
Guild, Adventuring
Alternative Names
Acq Inc.
Subsidiary Organizations


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