Black Moon Organization in YonZora | World Anvil

Black Moon

The Moon elves settled with the sun elves on the eastern coast of the Sappire Ocean along the banks of the Sarzumin River. The moon elves from the very beginning of settling in Azure was power, conquer, and rule. They looked at them selves as the superior race. They only race that had some respect for was the sun elves. These two subclasses of elves were a warring nation where they came from. Between the Magic of the Sun elves and the superior weaponry skills of the Moon elves made them a formidable foe to defend against. Elven god Corellon decided to grab these two tribes of elves and bring them to YonZora to start some elven races on this planet. The Sun elves did not want to war anymore. The Sun elves wanted to restructure the way the clans operated. Queen Krisphine Zinthana wanted to be a race that taught and nurture nature. Teach Magic to the other races. King Morjeon Fenhorn wanted to conquer and enslave the nations to the elves bidding. King Fenhorn plotted and planned for 90 years. In this time he built up the military might of the Moon elves. He also formed a secret alliance with the Drow and later the Silver Harts Clan. King Fenhorn was also responsibel for the start of the War of Liberty between the Moon elves and the Sun Elves. He did not count on the alliance formed between the Sun Elves, Halfling, Tiefling, Gnome, and dwarfs would be so strong. The Barbarian clans of Satyr and Dragonborn also joined in this war. The topper was when the Gate Keepers joined ending in not only the defeat of the Moon Elves and there exile from Imyfelon but also the death of King Morjeon Fenhorn.

Public Agenda

To Rule everyone that is not a Moon Elf. with the exception of the Black legion and The Silver Harts Clan.


The Black Moon territory is the northern region of South Azure.


Very capable fighters and army. They trained with the Black Legion learning there methods and teaching there methods to the humans.


The Moon elves felt that they were  rejected by Corellon when they lost the war of Liberty.  Seeking a waring Pantheon to worship they  started to worship the Roman Pantheon.

Foreign Relations

Are strong allies with the Black Legion, Silver Harts Clan and the country of Lavyrinlothos. Will trade with other inferior races.

Agriculture & Industry

Lumber, Gold, Silver, Copper, vegetables, clothes, weapons, armor, poison, slavery, silk, wine, magic items, leather goods, furs, mercenaries, pottery, tea, fruit, ships, and rope.

Trade & Transport

Will trade with anyone for a profit that benefits them. Moon elves charge a high import tax foreign countries.


The moon elves are as intelligent as the sun elves. Much like the Sun elves of the Northern Azure most of the education and magic are taught in the realm of the Dark Moon. The exception is They hand pick who they decide to get the education.

ad victoriam

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Uses the  same currency as the Black Legion.
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations


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