Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze

Lillian Harker-Oakenbreeze- Oakenbreeze (a.k.a. The Black Widow)

Personality Lillian is ruthless, calculating, and unyielding. Trained from a young age in the deadly arts of assassination, she has developed a cold and pragmatic approach to life. While she is capable of deep loyalty to those she deems worthy, she is quick to eliminate anyone who poses a threat to her plans or family. Despite her dark nature, Lillian possesses a deep sense of purpose, driven by her devotion to Thanika and her desire for revenge.   Worship Lillian is a devout worshiper of Thanika, the Queen of Dragons. Her loyalty to the draconic deity is absolute, and she often performs dark rituals and sacrifices to gain favor and power. Thanika influence is evident in Lillian’s ruthless ambition and her desire to bring about a new age where dragons rule supreme.   Backstory Lillian was born into the noble Oakenbreeze family, but her upbringing was anything but typical. From an early age, she was trained to be an assassin, learning the arts of stealth, poison, and lethal combat. Her training was rigorous and unforgiving, shaping her into a cold and efficient killer. As she mastered the deadly skills of her trade, Lillian also delved into dark magic, drawing upon her draconic bloodline to enhance her powers.   Lillian’s devotion to Thanika was instilled in her during her training, and she embraced the dark rituals and sacrifices that came with it. Her belief in the superiority of dragons and their kin became a driving force in her life, leading her to form the Crimson Brotherhood—a secret organization dedicated to Thanikas worship and the elevation of dragonkind. Under her leadership, the Brotherhood has operated in the shadows for 400 years, manipulating events and gathering power in the Soteropolis region.   Lillian also became a member of the Venom Blades, a secretive assassins’ guild operating in North and South Azure. Her skills as an assassin made her a valuable asset to the guild, and she used her position to further the goals of the Crimson Brotherhood.   Lillian Harker-Oakenbreeze is a character shaped by both her remarkable accomplishments and her profound failures. Her successes in assassination, dark magic, and leadership have made her a formidable force, but her failures—personal losses, betrayals, and unfinished business—add depth and complexity to her story. These life-shaping events have driven Lillian to become the cold, calculating, and relentless figure she is today, always striving for power while grappling with the ghosts of her past.

Mental characteristics


Lilly is highly educated in the best schools that the Black Moon empire have to offer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lillian Harker-Oakenbreeze: Life-Shaping Events and Resolutions   Accomplishments:   Mastering the Art of Assassination
  • Event: From an early age, Lillian was immersed in the world of shadows, trained by master assassins in the deadly arts. Her rigorous training involved mastering poisons, stealth, and the art of the silent kill.
  • Resolution: By her 100th year, Lillian had surpassed her mentors, becoming a master assassin herself. This accomplishment solidified her place in the Venom Blades, the secretive guild that shaped much of her early life. It also gave her the tools to establish the Crimson Brotherhood, an organization that would blend her lethal skills with her growing political ambitions.
  Formation of the Crimson Brotherhood
  • Event: Fueled by her devotion to Tiamat and her desire to see dragonkind reign supreme, Lillian founded the Crimson Brotherhood 400 years ago. The organization was designed to operate in the shadows, manipulating events in the Soteropolis region to further her draconic agenda.
  • Resolution: Over centuries, the Crimson Brotherhood grew in power and influence, becoming a force that few in the region could challenge. Lillian’s leadership ensured that the Brotherhood remained secretive and effective, allowing her to pull strings behind the scenes while remaining untouchable. This success solidified her as a key player in the politics of the Black Moon Empire.
  The Theft of the Dragon Eggs
  • Event: During the War of the Ancients, Lillian and her husband, Abraham Harker, committed one of the most audacious thefts in history. They stole the last 100 dragon eggs belonging to the Stewards of YonZora, a sacred and heavily guarded treasure.
  • Resolution: Lillian used her knowledge of black magic to corrupt 94 of these eggs, transforming them into draconians—twisted dragon-like soldiers. This act not only bolstered her forces but also sent a powerful message to her enemies. The draconians became a cornerstone of the Crimson Brotherhood’s military might, and the theft became a legend that both terrified and inspired those who heard of it.
  Surviving the War of the Ancients
  • Event: The War of the Ancients was a cataclysmic conflict that saw the downfall of many great powers, including the Black Legion Empire’s hold on Ephesus. Lillian, her husband Abraham, and their allies faced overwhelming odds as their enemies closed in.
  • Resolution: While Abraham was ultimately killed by the forces of the Pendragon line, Lillian survived. She retreated into the shadows, taking her remaining dragon eggs and draconians with her. Though the war ended in defeat for her side, Lillian’s survival allowed her to continue her work in secret, planning her revenge and rebuilding her power base.

Failures & Embarrassments

Failures:   The Death of Abraham Harker
  • Event: Despite her best efforts to protect him, Lillian’s husband, Abraham Harker, was killed by the Pendragon line of kings during the War of the Ancients. This loss was devastating, not only because of the emotional toll but also because Abraham had been a key ally in her plans.
  • Resolution: Abraham’s death ignited a burning desire for revenge within Lillian. She channeled her grief into a relentless pursuit of power, vowing to bring down the Pendragon line and anyone who stood in her way. This failure hardened her resolve and pushed her deeper into the darkness, but it also isolated her from potential allies who might have helped her in the future.
  The Disappearance of Fargus Harker-Oakenbreeze
  • Event: Lillian’s son Fargus, a promising wizard, vanished during the War of the Ancients. There are rumors that he betrayed his family, aligning with their enemies or pursuing his own agenda.
  • Resolution: Fargus’s disappearance was a significant blow to Lillian. Despite her best efforts, she was unable to locate him or uncover the truth behind his actions. This failure haunted her, creating a rift within her family and leaving her vulnerable to further betrayals. It also served as a constant reminder of the dangers of placing trust in others, even within her own bloodline.
  Estrangement from Dagwyn Oakencrown
  • Event: Lillian’s daughter Dagwyn rejected her mother’s dark path, choosing instead to serve the King of Avalon. This choice led to a deep estrangement between mother and daughter, with Dagwyn wanting nothing to do with Lillian’s machinations.
  • Resolution: The loss of Dagwyn’s loyalty was a personal failure for Lillian, who had hoped to keep her family united under her cause. This estrangement weakened Lillian’s influence, as Dagwyn’s defection to Avalon not only deprived her of a powerful ally but also posed a potential threat to her plans. The failure to maintain a relationship with Dagwyn reinforced Lillian’s growing isolation and deepened her reliance on her remaining children and followers.
  The Incomplete Transformation of the Dragon Eggs
  • Event: Although Lillian successfully corrupted 94 of the 100 stolen dragon eggs, six remained untouched by her dark magic. These eggs were lost during the chaos of the War of the Ancients, and their whereabouts remain unknown.
  • Resolution: The inability to corrupt all 100 eggs was a significant failure for Lillian, as it left a gap in her plans for creating an unstoppable draconian army. The missing eggs could potentially be used against her, and their loss represents a rare but critical mistake in her otherwise meticulous schemes. This failure has driven Lillian to seek out the lost eggs, hoping to either reclaim them or ensure they cannot be used by her enemies.

Personality Characteristics


Goals and Motivations
  1. Revenge: Lillian seeks vengeance for the death of her husband Abraham Harker, killed by the Pendragon line of kings.
  2. Draconic Rule: Her ultimate goal is to see dragons and their kin rule over all other races, with Tiamat as the supreme deity.
  3. Crimson Brotherhood: Lillian aims to expand the influence and power of the Crimson Brotherhood, recruiting more members and extending their reach across the realm.
  4. Artifact Acquisition: She constantly seeks ancient draconic artifacts and knowledge to increase her power and bring her closer to Tiamat.
  5. Protect Her Family: Despite her dark ambitions, Lillian is fiercely protective of her family and will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and prosperity.



Governess of Ore-Ida for 10 plus years.

Family Ties

Family   Lillian’s family is both a source of strength and complication in her life. She was married to Abraham Harker, a human and the last Governor of Ephesus for the Black Legion Empire. Together, they betrayed the Order of Phoenix and the Stewards of YonZora during the War of the Ancients, stealing the last 100 dragon eggs of the Stewards. Lillian used black magic to transform 94 of these eggs into draconians, twisted dragon-like soldiers who now serve her and the Crimson Brotherhood.   After Abraham’s death at the hands of the Pendragon line of kings, Lillian sought revenge, fueling her dark ambitions even further. She is also married to Dorydark Oakencrown, a sunelf with whom she shares a complex and multifaceted relationship.   Family Dynamics: Lillian's relationships with her children are marked by a mixture of loyalty, betrayal, love, and resentment. Each child reflects different aspects of her influence and the conflicts that arise from her dark ambitions.  
  • ZinDove is her strongest supporter and closest ally, though their relationship is not without its challenges. They share a common purpose, but ZinDove's own ambitions may lead to future conflict.
  • Fargus is the lost son, whose disappearance and possible betrayal haunt Lillian. His fate is a source of pain and unresolved tension within the family.
  • Dagwyn represents the rejection of Lillian's path, embodying the light and justice that stand in opposition to her mother's darkness. Their estrangement is deep and unlikely to heal.
  • Magwyn is the wild card, whose unknown intentions and ambiguous relationship with her family add an element of uncertainty to the future.
Lillian's family serves as both her greatest strength and potential weakness. The differing paths of her children could lead to alliances or betrayals that shape the future of the Black Moon Empire, the Crimson Brotherhood, and the larger conflicts within the realm.

Religious Views

Worship Lillian is a devout worshiper of Thanika, the Queen of Dragons. Her loyalty to the draconic deity is absolute, and she often performs dark rituals and sacrifices to gain favor and power. Thanika's influence is evident in Lillian’s ruthless ambition and her desire to bring about a new age where dragons rule supreme.


Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze

Wife (Vital)

Towards Abraham Harker



Abraham Harker

Husband (Vital)

Towards Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze



Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze

Mother (Vital)

Towards Zindove Harker - Oakenbreeze



Zindove Harker - Oakenbreeze

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze



Magwynn Oakenbreeze

Daughter (Vital)

Towards Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze



Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze

Mother (Trivial)

Towards Magwynn Oakenbreeze



Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze

Mother (Trivial)

Towards Dagwyn Oakencrown



Dagwyn Oakencrown

Daughter (Important)

Towards Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze



Dorydark Oakencrown

Husband (Important)

Towards Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze



Lilly Harker-Oakenbreeze

Wife (Trivial)

Towards Dorydark Oakencrown



Lillian stands tall with an ethereal beauty characteristic of moon elves. Her pale, silvery-blue skin glows faintly under the moonlight. Piercing ice-blue eyes hold an intensity that can unnerve even the bravest. Long, flowing white hair cascades down her back, often adorned with intricate silver and onyx jewelry. She dresses in dark, elegant robes trimmed with crimson and gold, symbolizing her allegiance to Thanika.

View Character Profile
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
Anubis day, 12th of Apollo
Circumstances of Birth
First of Three Children. One Sister, One Brother.
Socrates Forest
Abraham Harker (Husband)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale like the moon
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
  1. Elvish, (Sun and Moon)
  2. Draconic 
  3. Ancient Draconic. 
  4. Calishite
  5. Common
  6. Minotaur


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