Governor/Governess Rank/Title in YonZora | World Anvil



This appointed position by the Caesar of Rome.  One must have strong leadership skills, discipline, cunning, and charisma. This position must have the  ability to lead people with a strong Iron fist in true Roman Fashion. The position also requires strong military skills in combat tactics having commanded the minimum of a Legion with several campaigns that have been won.


By the Caesar of the Black Legion Empire.


The governor can do anything he deems necessary as long as it falls in line with the will of the Black Legion Empire.


The Governor or Governess leads the Territory that they are appointed to. They are responsible for everything and anything that happens in the territory they are appointed to. They will work in union with the wishes of the Black Legion empire and it allies. The Governor only reports to the Caesar and will be held accountable to the Caesar for anything good or bad that happens in their territory they have been appointed to


Monetary, Political power.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

The Caesar can dismiss a Governor at any time.  Depending on the situation for being relived the results can lead to there public execution along with there spouse. The children and all other relatives and leaders  associated with governor will lose there citizenship and sold into the slavery or worse.
Civic, Military, Commissioned
Equates to
Source of Authority
The Caesar of Black Legion Empire
Length of Term
Life time or until replaced by the Caesar.
Reports directly to
Related Locations
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