Session 00 Acq Inc. Franchise K begins. Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 00 Acq Inc. Franchise K begins. Report

General Summary

It is that time of year when the Festival of the Great Harvest as arrived. Citizens from all over Azure will venture to its nearest major city, town, or villa to participate in the two day event. Answering a flyer he found on one of his father's slaves a 12 foot Minotaur by the name of Raz' Thrak  Bloodhoof enters in to the city of Camelot. Its early morning and the city is still in the process of setting up for the festival. The crimson guard and Crimson Dragon keep an eye on the big fellow but leave him be.  they do give him directions to the guild district where Acq Inc is. As he walks through crowd he does draw the attention of several by standers. The smell of the freshly cooked food waif though his nose and the hunger pains form his travel get to him and he approaches a food booth demanding some chicken that has not cooked yet. His loud proud warrior voice scares the young woman giving him a entire skew of six chickens not fully cooked. Raz' Thrak took the Skew with out paying for them as she stood there speech less with her hand out scared our of her wits. A individual by the name of Dagone  approached the scared woman and calmed her down and paid her the two Drachma. Then from a distance followed the big beast. Mean while a elf by the name of Dagwyn stepped in front of the huge beast to slow it down and tried to reason with the beast the customs of Avalon. A friendly banter began between the two as they discussed the customs of both realms with each other. This brought the attention of the Crimson Dragon, and Guard and two paladins a dwarf by the name of Fangblow and a Dragonborn by the name of Karinn as well. Raz' Thrak saw the the kobold squire and tried to pick him up upsetting the Paladin. Meanwhile a holy elf woman by the name of Jasmal came into Camelot asked for directions to the Acq Inc as well with a pit stop to the local magic ship to pick up a fresh component bag then headed to the temple then to Acq Inc.  The individual who paid the merchant cast a spell secretly and turned into a kobold getting great beast to chase him through town with the elf Dagwyn on his shoulder followed by a human by the name of Dante who was also following the beast. Dagone barely beating the Minotaur to the HQ building of the Acq Inc. Once inside he stepped to the side to catch his breath changing back into himself. Meanwhile the Minotaur could not fit in the door and stuck his huge arm into the entrance looking for the small lizard. Oman Dran then presented himself to Raz' Thrak before the great minotaur could do further damage to his pristine building. Striking up a conversation with the minotaur to learn that he had two servants. This of course started another round of banter between Dagwyn and Raz' Thrak. This made a impression on Oman as he watched with interest of the banter. Oman gave orders for his recruitment party to be moved to the stable. Two hours later the great feast began with over 100 interns at the party. Half way through Oman addressed the crowed offering up the 11th franchise in the town of Soteropolis in the southern most part of Avalon. As expected by Oman the Minotaur volunteered to be that franchise leader. As the two continued to eat lunch a deal was struck for him take a shot at being the franchise leader with the condition that Dagwyn would be his MajorDomo to help the run the day to day operations. The HMS Porcupine is scheduled to leave for Soteropolis, but is not ready to depart. Oman Dran has a test mission while they wait. The Cheese man in the village of Nycene has gone missing. The village has hired Acq Inc to find him.

Rewards Granted

25 Experience points Title Deed to Harkers Keep.

Missions/Quests Completed

Acquisitions Incorporated Franchise K is formed in the city of Camelot. The plan is to move Franchise K to the Large Port city of Soteropolis in the southern end of the Realm of Avalon. It is the second biggest city in the realm

Character(s) interacted with

Oman Dran.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
24 Sep 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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