Session 09: Annia Rescued. Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 09: Annia Rescued.

General Summary

Raz' Thrak, Dimmir, Dagwyn, and Karinn aboard the Jolly boat continued the interrogation of the smuggler Sanbalet about five miles from the sea cave. As Sanbalet wade his option of his death now or his death later asked if they could protect him from the clutches of an organization known as the Crimson Brother Hood. The very name of the brother hood caused a reaction by Dagwyn that was noticeable by the party members on the boat. This caused the usuall reaction of Raz' Thrak and keeping secrets from him. This paused the interrogation for a moment as once again the banter between Raz' Thrak and Dagwyn started again. Once the discussion was done Raz' Thrak continued on with interrogation constantly be interrupted by Dagwyn but got the following information:
  • Bette is an Elf, but not from this area,
  • She rides a creature that he has never been seen before. He also overheard conversations about coming from the Zacigona Peninsula.
  • She is a new lieutenant of the organization that showed up nine months ago.
  • She took over his operation at that time and Sanbalet had no say so in the matter.
  • The organization is the Scarlett Brother Hood.
  • It has been around for thousands of years.
  • The five stones represent the organization.
  • There are many tiers in the organization and information is limited based on your rank in the organization.
  • My Job was to smuggle stolen goods that the organization stole and move contraband from the Black Legion.
  • They are expecting a shipment any day.
Raz' Thrak guaranteed Sanbalet not to turn him in to the authorities if he was willing to work for franchise K. Much to Dagwyn flustered protest a deal was struck and the they returned to the cave reaching the opening two hours later. Mean while in the cave Arceven did a ritual spell to get his familiar back. Dante went to the alter that was exact duplicate of the alter found on the farm of the Goat Man. Five stones were on the alter and once again he felt an uneasy peace at this alter. The alter looked to be here for years and the sacrifice was large fish instead of mutton. Jasmal looked around the cave discovering large unopened crates with no markings or stamps. At this point Dante grabbed his crow bar and opened a crate to see a brand new weapons rack. He then attempted to lift the rack only to severely injure himself. putting him self out of commission for 24 hours even after being healed by Jasmal. The party went back to the smugglers HQ and took a long rest. In the morning the party began to explore the rest of the house. The party found some of the rooms had been repaired compared to the rest of the house. By the looks and the clothes it was a women who was using these rooms. As Dagwyn was looking through the ward she recognized a pair of knee high boots and and out fit. This sort of set Dagwyn off as she believes that she has met Bette. Sanbalet showed them the room where they used to signal the smugglers ship when product was coming in. Then they found a locked room where after a little bit of a struggle they broke into the room to find a young woman in undergarments tied by her hands to one of the post of the bed. Further investigation by Jasmal revealed that the young woman had not eaten or drank any water in about three days. Once the young lady calmed down she seemed to bond to Jasmal and calm down quite a bit. After a few questions the party was able to determine that this was the missing young lady that was posted on the job board.  The young lady name was Annia Alethia. She asked to be taken home which changed Raz' Thrak plan of waiting at the house for the ship to arrive. The party headed for the Soteropolis and realized that the wagon and team that was rented was missing and no sign of James.  On the there way back a young farm boy in his early 20's approached the party asking for help. The party went to action and ran ahead to find a wagon that was broken to pieces and the team of horsed being eaten by five cloaked creatures. Upon discovery of the party one of the cloaked figures gave some orders and two of the creatures stayed to take on the party.  While the other two ran towards the coast line. A fight ensued as the party realized that these creatures were the same creatures that they had fought before. The party tried its best to capture one of these creatures alive for questioning but failed as the creatures once knocked out turned to stone and then would turn into dust around a minute later. The two remaining creatures had escaped.

Rewards Granted

  1. 300 EXP points. 
  2. Three short swords
  3. six brand new weapons racks (10 Sheckels each)
  4. Two doses of potion of healing
  5. Two blue Quartz (10 Sheckels each)
  6. A 11x14 book with the five circular stones on the front cover the contents of the book are written in a code. 
  7. A pouch with ten round gold coins with a Pegasus on them and 40 silver coins with a Gryphon on them. 
  8. 30 mina
  9. two small pouches containing alchemical powders. (Five Drachma each)

Missions/Quests Completed

The Hunt for Bette 'The Siren' Adlam

Character(s) interacted with

  • Sanbalet (Human Male mid 30's)
  • Annia Alethia (Human Girl 20)
  • Iros Lumpus  (Human Male 20)


  • Franchise K once again fights the mysterious reptilians creatures. 
  • Party learns the Bette is a moon elf
  • Franchise K first here's about the Crimson Brotherhood for the first time.
  • Dagwyn is put on the spot as she was told by the duke to look into this organization.  
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
25 Jan 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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