Session 21: Anat Day, 30th of Zeus 500 CD . Arriving at the Ziggurat Akzunu Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 21: Anat Day, 30th of Zeus 500 CD . Arriving at the Ziggurat Akzunu

General Summary

Anat Day, 30th of Zeus 500 CD the companions of Franchise K wake up to and Eerie silence. As the party begins to stir and prepare for the day once again Dagwyn is missing. The party does a routine search for her and find no evidence of her disappearance. Thron or as the party has nick named him the depression stick has been given to Arceven to carry until further notice. The party packs for the days travel some still mumbling about being in a cursed forest.  As the companions  move east on the trail the vegetation starts to become thicker and harder to maneuver through. A foul smell begins to fill your nostrils and the smell of rotten fish. You can see the beginning of fog bank that gets thicker as you continue east. You can start to make out the top of ancient ziggurat above the fog cloud.  Fog becoming thicker when all of the sudden Marik just disappears with the sound of a splash. Karrin with his new magic item jumps into the black murky water as well. This waster is foul and murky. Both Marik and Karrin struggle with the smell and foulness of the water. Marik manages to get himself out of the water but stinks as the water does. Marik once again tells everyone that this forest is cursed. Karrin not being able to find Marik because of the darkness of the water swims to the surface also stinking of the foul smell of the water. Dagon and Dimmir both try and get above the fog to try and get a lay of the land. Dimmir try's and uses the branches to cross this unknown size foul lake. Unfortuanlly he learns as well as Dagon that the Ziggurat is in the middle of the lake, but because of the fog they are not able to tell how far. The companions start collecting dead logs and making a raft to cross the unknown size of the lake.  Saphira begins to mumble to Dimmir that this is not good I always wondered what happened to this section of the Socrates Forest. Why didn't we see this developing. We need the save the humanoids of this ziggurat. There are good ones that live here but I pick up evil as well. We need to get them out of here. We need to warn the King about this location. Is this where my children were brought as now you sense an intense anger. That Traitor brought them here what has she done to my children.  The companions take 10 hours building a safe raft and crossing the lake before reaching land fall again. As they follow trails that Marik finds they start finding dead bodies of bullywugs, Lizard Folk, humans wearing the red rose Sigil, as well as the 5 stone sigil, and moon elves wearing a pale rose sigil. As well as the a familier rock dust remains of the lizard like creatures they have fought before. The companions were able to pick up acid, fire, lighting, and force damage in the area as well. The dead bodies are bloated as Marik finds out the hard way. Jasmal and Dagon are able to tell that these bodies have been out here at least a 10-day. As the party follows the trail they come upon a door with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic's. This sets of Marik as he want to destroy this ziggurat. Once again Saphira warns Dimmir that the humanoids in this building are more important than the building it self. The danger is real and the companions need to get them to a safe location. The companions continued inside the ziggurat finding more dead bodies of lizard folk, humans, and moon elves. The companions arrived in what looked to be officers quarters where they found a severely wounded lizard folk who stood up ready to die to defend his home. Arceven and Karrin were able to communicate with the officer and calm him down. Jasmal healed him and Mirik asked for the companions help to rescue the queen. The companions follow Mirik to different rooms finding common lizard folk in fear of there lives cooking meals for who ever will eat them to keep them selves from going crazy. Mirik then led them to some barracks where he was hoping to find some live warriors who could help in the battle where they ran into five lizard folk and a officer on there knees being guarded by three humans with the red sigil. Three humans with the stone sigil and a moon elf with the pale rose sigil talking. A fight then insued between the companions and  these warriors who ever they were representing with the companions coming out on top.

Rewards Granted

  • 331 EXP: for encounter Dagwyn
  • 442 EXP for Encounter: Dagon, Jasmal, Marik, Raz' Thrak, Arceven, Dimmir, and Karrin.
  • 100 EXP for exploration: Dagon, Jasmal, Marik, Raz' Thrak, Arceven, Dimmir, and Karrin.
  • 58 EXP bonus for RP: Dagon, Jasmal, Marik, Raz' Thrak, Arceven, Dimmir, and Karrin.
  • 70 Javelins
  • 06+ Scimitar
  • 03 light Crossbows
  • 02 daggers
  • leather wip
  • 13 shields
  • 10 Spiked Shields
  • 05 clubs
  • 75 Dragon Orbs
  • 130 Drachma
  • crude wood flute
  • You can only carry what you are allowed this is just what you found. Encumbrance rules are in affect.

Missions/Quests Completed

The Drowned Forest

Character(s) interacted with

Mirik  Military officer of the Oskuss Clan  (Male lizard Folk )
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
04 May 2023
Secondary Location


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