Session 22 : Exploring the Ziggurat Akzunu Anat day, 30th of Zeus 500 CD Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 22 : Exploring the Ziggurat Akzunu Anat day, 30th of Zeus 500 CD Report

General Summary

The companions of franchise K rescued the queens commanding officer of her army as well Dagwyn once again. As the two lizardfolk officers discuss the party with only Arceven and Karrin understanding the discussion. The senior officer asking question of who you were and are they part of the attack as well as many questions of loyalty to the queen and the clan. Then the commanding officer Korth and Mirik approached the party. Korth spoke broken common and was able for the most part able to communicate with the whole party. Korth asking the party to help him in his men to follow them to the hatchery and check in the eggs and hatchlings in the nursery. These orders were given to Korth by the Queen. The companions agreed and followed the commanding officer. On the way a Korth went to the throne room where they found two hatchlings . On the walls of the throne room besides the lizardfolk trophies were covered in Egyptian hieroglyphics covered by Latin words and faded art showing elves minotaur's, and humans. Also on a wall was a faded mural of some kind of Egyptian humanoid with red eyes. This mural covered the whole wall.  The companions did find a secret door leading to passage to an unknown area that Korth or Mirik did not know about. But Korth once again asked to go to the nursery first. Korth started to lead the party south again and was about to go west when a sweet perfume came form the east. This puzzled Korth because with a the clans lively hood on the line why would somebody be in the temple worshipping. So the companions headed to the temple where they found two lizardfolk crouching before a stone altar. To each side of the altar were small lit burners while, at the center, a candelabrum holding five lit candles, one is a black candle. Above the altar, the south wall is decorated with with a five headed dragon one of the heads being black. Blue and green drapes cover the east and west walls. Mirik and Korth stand stunned what abomination is this Korth says in common. The lizardfolk shaman guardians which two headed snakes called amphisbaenae attacked the party. After the fight was dealt with the lizardfolk officers asked the party to go through the shaman's quarters and kill any shaman they found for there betrayal. The companions dealt with the remaining traitors as well as some cultist of Thanika. The party also found some precious's dragon orbs some more Thanika items in silver and ivory. Then the party started headed north toward the direction of the nursery meeting Korth and Mirik and five lizard folk soldiers.

Rewards Granted

  • 393 EXP for the two encounters
  • 110 EXP dungeon Crawl 
  • Silver gong and striker (25 Sheckels )
  • five silver bells (5 Sheckels each)
  • a large silver chalice (50 Sheckels)
  • a curved wooden horn.
  • A carafe, cup, and incense burner are silver, worth 10 Sheckels, 3 Sheckels, and 5 Sheckels respectively. 
  • a silver figure of Thanika (25 Sheckels )
  • A Ivory figure of Thanika (25 Sheckels)
  • A gold necklace adorned with polish pearls (100 Sheckels)
  • bolt of green velvet cloth (5 Sheckels)
  • 717 Dragon Orbs
  • 65 Sheckels
  • A pearl with magical properties. 
  • A potion cloudy green fluid smells of the sea and has a jellyfish-like bubble floating in it.
  • two doses of antitoxin (100 gp).

Character(s) interacted with

  • Mirik male Lizardfolk (lieutenant in lizardfolk army)
  • Korth male Lizardfolk (CO of lizardfolk army)
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
09 May 2023
Secondary Location


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