Session 23: Clearing the Ziggurat 30th of Zeus- 1st of Cupid 500 CD Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 23: Clearing the Ziggurat 30th of Zeus- 1st of Cupid 500 CD Report

General Summary

As the companions of Franchise K meet Dagwyn and the commander of the lizardfolk and start heading north to the hatchery and nursery the companions are attacked by seven lizard like creatures five that the you have all ready faced before but two of the creatures the companions have not faced yet.  One of those creatures had the ability to fly. The mud in the cave gave the companions trouble as well restricting the movement of the companions as well as the creatures. The area effect of magic played its roll on the party as well as Arceven and Karin suddenly grew beards of blue feathers. One of Arceven spells ended up with him casting a fireball spell centered on him self knocking him and Dimmir unconscious and doing heavy damage on other companions. A attempted spell by Dagon caused him to be come a large creature as well. While the battle contiues Dagwyn was some how able to cause fear in one of the newly seen creature causing it to run away from the party to be killed by the lizardfolk warriors north of the cave who were defending nursery and hatchery. The death of this creature caused lighting damage with 15 feet of him at his death. The other unknown burst into flames at his death with a range of 10 feet radius causing damage to companion members as well. The five creatures that the party had fought before actually caused Dimmir and Dagwyn to be come petrified for a minute after these creatures were killed. During the battle Saphira felt the presence of another dragon and some how got Dimmir to throw her where she landed on a damaged breast plate. After the conflict the party searched the area where they found the damaged breast plate with the sigil of the Gate Keepers. underneath the breast plate was a bronze tube much like the tubes that Thron and Saphira were found in. The case began to float around to each companion giving a electrical shock to Arceven for unknown reason. Finally floating and resting in front of Dagwyn. When Dagwyn grabbed the case all she heard was snoring. The party moved north to find a room full of common lizardfolk and hatchlings as well as warriors sent to protect these citizens of the clan. The commoners were relived to see commander Korth and Captain Mirik. Then the party was led to the nursery where the party discovered something unusual.  The front half of the hatchery where they found fresh broken egg shells and three brand new hatchlings. Korth then said that the back half of the hatchery was bad juju and that they did not put there eggs back there. The companions also learned that there were 200 eggs in the front half of the hatchery and it would take time to carefully pack these eggs if they convinced the queen to move from the ziggurat as Saphira. Then Arceven and Jasmal discovered magical ruins that has been used in the past. Further investigation led to the discovery of large petrified broken eggs shells. As they continued to investigate and carefully pick up the egg shells the party discovered the following colors. Red, Gold, Blue, Bronze, and Copper. It was at this moment the newly found long bow of Dagwyn suddenly woke up from its long slumber with Dagwyn feeling intense anger and betrayal. The dragon attached to her weapon screamed betrayal and the queen must be notified.  Then as it began to calm down its anger once again rose as it discovered the companion it chose is the a blood member of the betrayer who brought the children of the queen to this place and went slient. Arceven and Jasmal figured out the transmutaion magic used had some kind of effect on the eggs creating these now dragon kind creatures that they have been fighting. Dimmir could feel the pain of a mother who have lost a child as Saphira deals with the reality of what had happened to her children. The party then felt with the securtiy of lizardfolk and the companions that a long rest was needed as the party has been up since about the 7th hour of the 30th of Zeus and now it was the first hour of the first of Cupid.

Rewards Granted

  • 557 Experience points for the encounter. 
  • 120 Experience points for Exploration. 
  • Dragon wing Bow that attunes to Dagwyn. 

Character(s) interacted with

  • Commander Korth (male lizardfolk)
  • Captain Mirik (male lizardfolk)
  • Felgolos (Male Bronze Dragon)
  • Saphira (Female Gold Dragon) 
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
26 May 2023
Secondary Location


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