Session 24 Rescuing the Queen. 1st of Cupid 500 CD. Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 24 Rescuing the Queen. 1st of Cupid 500 CD. Report

General Summary

The companions of Franchise K wake up on the 1st of cupid rested but feeling the aches and pains from the fight the day before.  Dimmir and Dagwyn had dreams during that span each dream talking about only being 94 where are the rest. Dimmir Dream has him on a island someplace with a large temple the island was surrounded by a large body of water. He saw a figure in her early 20 or 30"s with blond hair blue eyes wearing a white toga with gold trim and a gold Tyra crying over the broken egg shells. Dagwyn dream placed her at the Ziggurat with a familiar figure finding live dragon eggs buried in the hatchery. This figure also counted only 94 before being discovered the figure and a halfling ran for cave entrance where they were both killed by the damage of a breath weapon of black dragon and a moon elf in her early 100's who she recognized as her mother in her early adult years for and elf.  Jasmal woke up with a furious apatite for meat as she at six plateful's of meat leaving the lizardfolk astonished. Captain Mirik informed the group that the commander was waiting on them and that they would take the lead now as they cleared out the rest of the ziggurat looking to rescue the queen. The party chose to go back to the throne room and use the secret passage to proceed ending up in the royal chambers of the queen.  Dagwyn was tempted several time to pick locks looking for treasure only to be talked out of by Jasmal and Arceven. In the queens bed chambers the party found two scrolls with peace treaties between the Kingdom of Avalon and the Kingdome of Geleon signed over 300 years ago. As the party contiued to explore the royal area Dimmer taking the blanket of the queen and wrapped himself in it found the royal hatchery and began rolling in the mud much to the commander look of what was going on.  The results of this this did lead to the finding of six oblong stones weighing about 10 pounds a piece. The stones were smooth and very polished.  As the companions started to investigate the stones further they discovered the color of the eggs only when Dimmir, Dagwyn, or Karinn touch them revealing two blue eggs, red, bronze, brass, and a gold egg.  Once Saphira discovered that there were six eggs and especially a gold one she tasked Dimmir to protect these eggs at all cost.  Party members began taking eggs and moving on in clearing the royal chambers including running into two cultist who were looking for something in the royal living quarters after taking out the cultist the companions found a journal penned by Lilly Harker written in elvish. Then the party continued north where they found another room with an new kind lizard like creature who had the ability to glide and did poison damage with a paralyzing affect to his damage dealt along with two dragon solider and a officer. In this conflict Arceven went down and had to be healed as death was knocking on his door steps.

Rewards Granted

  1. 386 EXP for the two encounters
  2. 90 EXP for Exploration
  3. 100 Bonus EXP for not stealing from the Queens royal chambers. 
  4. 2 Blue dragon Eggs
  5. 1 red dragon egg
  6. 1 brass dragon egg
  7. 1 Bronze dragon egg
  8. 1 Gold dragon egg 

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Captain Mirik
  2. Commander Korth
  3. Saphira 
  4. Felgolos
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
27 May 2023
Secondary Location


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