Session 25 Saving the Queen II 1st of Cupid 500 CD Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 25 Saving the Queen II 1st of Cupid 500 CD Report

General Summary

After clearing the royal chambers of the queen the companions chose to go east passing the training room and ended up in minister's quarters. The senior adviser to the queen the leader of the shaman of the the lizard fold clan. Looking at the lizardfolk one could tell that he was well advanced in his years. His skin was sagging and further investigation one would see that his vision was not at 100 percent. His first reaction to the party was calling Dagwyn Magwyn her twin sister.  He was surprised to see the elf considering he knew that she had been captured. Dagwyn began asking questions on where Bette was. Sauriv told her that she had left with Shruikan to go south to attain a Dragonnel. Then she asked about her mother Lilly? Sauriv then began to look more closely at the sigils as he was beginning to wonder why she would be asking these questions when she should know that Lilly was back in Odessus the capital of Black Moon empire on business. The more questions asked the more he strained to look at the Acq Inc sigils. Sauriv did tell the party that the queen was held up in the drill room with what was left of her army.  A group of Draconian were on there way to kill her and her remaining army. Then Dagwyn took her bow and assassinated the old lizardfolk advisor as she recognized the old advisers face as he realized that she and her companions were not who they said they were worried that he would give there surprise away. Then the party left not exploring the other room tied to Sauriv quarters. Arriving at the Drill room where the queen and the remaining army were in defensive positions. At first they almost attacke the companions untill Commander Korth with the small squad he had walked into the room.  The the queen thanked the companions for finding her with Korth but get ready to fight because she knew that the Draconian would be arriving soon.  Dagon who had not entered the drill room saw 10 familiar winged Draconian coming up the 5 by 5 hall way with a 20 foot ceiling. Using a spell he blinded the first two draconian then quickly entered the drill room warning the party of the coming attack. Then investigation of the second entrance the party new that it was attack of unknown numbers coming from there. The battle was on as Dagon spell resulted in the 10 draconian killing some of there members as the blindness effect caused the two creatures to defend them selves not knowing what had happened. As the battle went on Arceven dissapeared like Dagon the day earlier when attempting to cast a spell. Then when he returned he stepped out of the door where the remaining seven of the ten draconian and attempted to cast a fire bolt spell only to cast a fire ball spell on him self killing at all seven draconian but also knocking himself unconscious in the process. The party defeated the party of draconian Jasmal was able to stabilize the halfling wizard who was been badly burned after having done this for the second time in two days.

Rewards Granted

  • 606 EXP points for the Encounter
  • 50 EXP Points for saving the Queen
  • 30 EXP points for exploration. 

Character(s) interacted with

  • Sauriv
  • Commander Korth
  • Othokent (Queen of the Lizardfolk)
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
08 Jun 2023
Secondary Location


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