Session 26: Mop up operations 1st of Cupid, 500 CD. Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 26: Mop up operations 1st of Cupid, 500 CD. Report

General Summary

The companions of franchise K with the exception of Arceven, who lay stabilized on the floor of the the drill room, survived the ordeal with the large Draconian squad that was sent to take out the queen of the lizardfolk. As Commander Korth and Queen Orthokent talked and updated each other the companions took a few minutes to catch there breath. After the conversation the queen talked to Dagwyn about why they should evacuate their home of 400 years. She also gave the party six greater healing potions to help recover from the encounter.  She asked the party along with Commander Korth to continue cleaning out what remained of the invaders in there home.  She would head to the royal hatchery and to the west with the rest of what is left her clan and prepare to evacuate their home at the Dovahkiin request.  As she departed she told the companions that some prisoners were brought in after the invasion but she did not know who they were. After the short rest the party continued east going back to the senior advisers bedroom and found six books including a book with notes of research done by somebody of the crimson brother hood.  The research paper covered different points of research being done including Acq Inc themselves. Also included was something about the guardians, 12 weapons of power, an unknown organization, some research about the draconian and that some were good and some were evil but did not give any detail as who was which. Dagwyn using her identical looks of Magywn was able to use this to the party advantage as they confronted more dragon soldiers and officers as they headed east and then north. The party has come real close to clearing out the Ziggurat what more will the companions run into in this cursed ancient Egyptian building.

Rewards Granted

  • 271 Experience points to Jasmal
  • 316 Experience points to Areceven, Marik, Dagwyn, Dagon, Dimmir, Karinn. for encounters
  • 105 Experience points to Areceven, Marik, Dagwyn, Dagon, Dimmir, Karinn. for exploration.
  • 98 penalty Experience points taken away for stealing the officers things in front of the Korth and his troops Areceven, Marik, Dagwyn, Dagon, Dimmir, karinn.
  • 323 Experience points awarded to Areceven, Marik, Dagwyn, Dagon, Dimmir, Karrin for session after penalty.
  • 6 greater healing potions (subtract the one that were used. )
  • Politics of Power by Lucia Domice (5 Sheckels)
  • The Triumph of Diplomacy by Tyrons Scroot (5 Sheckels) 
  • The Occult Properties of Gemestones by Archmage Tensor (10 Sheckels)
  • A Lizard Language and Common Tongue Grammar Anonymous author (10 Sheckels)
  • The Nature of the Draconian by Professor Gaxm (15 Sheckels)
  • Leather bound research book by Crimson Brother hood
  • A Flask of perfumed oil (5 Sheckels)
  • Leather bag containing 50 Dragon Orbs
  • A velvet bag containing five pearls (3 Sheckels each) (Dagwyn has in her Procession)
  • Small vial of Basic Poison A
  • Leather bag containing 50 Dragon Orbs
  • A velvet bag containing five pearls (3 Sheckels each) (Dagwyn has in her Procession)
  • Small vial of Basic Poison
  • Dagger in a Scabbard (2 Sheckels) Stolen
  • Coin Purse 20 Drachma Stolen
  • Coin Purse 15 Drachma Stolen
  • Raw amber 10 Drachma Stolen

Character(s) interacted with

  • Commander Korth
  • Queen Othokent Irhtros
  • Moon Elf Lieutenant 
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
10 Jun 2023
Secondary Location


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