Session 27: Mop Up Operations II Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 27: Mop Up Operations II Report

General Summary

The companions of franchise K after clearing the barracks went north then headed east where the smell of fresh clean water could be smelled. The companions came upon three moon elves standing at attention while a captain was doing a inspection. The captain was being hard on the moon elves saying things like Just because she is not here does not mean you can be sloppy with your conduct. We are payed professional mercenary's getting paid well. We are also the greatest race on this planet act like it.  As he was inspecting Dagwyn and Jasmal approached the group and was able to deceive the group into believing that she was Magywn and Jasmal was a new recruit. As the conversation was going on Dimmir was planning some kind of prank with the moon elves when Dagon did a disguise self making him self look like the senior advisor of the Queen Sauriv and also joined the group pointing down the hall way about new recruits and prisoners. This split the moon elves. Dagwyn was able to persuade the captain to let Jasmal go talk to the prisoners. This tactic paid off in many ways including the wired magic that backfired on Dagon for some reason, but was able to use this misfortunate to his advantage clogging up another group of Dragon soldiers. As the companions took care of the dragon soldiers commander Korth and his troops dissapeared. While the conflict was going on Jasmal took out the lone dragon solider after she found prisoners in two different cells. One cell held a completely submerged humnoid who only had a tube in his mouth keeping him alive. In the other cell were two humans badly tortured and beaten.  This torture was so bad it was hard to tell just how old this couple was.  Jasmal sensed a familiarly with this couple but she could not put her finger on it. Once the companions figured out the magic that protected the prison they removed the badly injured prisoners under Jasmal care. All three prisoners were knocking on deaths door. Then commander Korth showed up and brought the companions to a banquet hall where there was a great feast held by queen Othokent for there help in saving what is left in her clan.  The party woke up on the 2nd of cupid were a quick breakfast was prepared.  Stretchers were made by the lizardfolk for the injured that needed to be transported including there own kind. The lizardfolk helped Dagwyn navigate through the drowned forest keeping the party on dry ground, but near water because of the extreme heat. The companions were told that it would take two days on normal travel, but with the injure it would take three days to reach Tegila. The companions traveled west a half a day when they encountered a 14 year old teenage girl sing a nursery ryme:  
  • One, Two Karla coming for you
  • Three, Four, Better lock you doors
  • Five, Six, Grab a Holy Symbol
  • Nine, Ten, Never Sleep Again
This 14 year old started asking questions to group about her father. Was he with them.  Why they are not heeding to the warning that they had received from concerned parties who are not happy with this guild interference in its business practices. Not only that, but they were interfering with her mother power and wealth. Looking at her father Dagon she asked why are you interfering with mon you got what you wanted. She then ended with conversation with the following quote " My sisters will be disappointed that they will not get to meet the man who helped in our births but moms orders must be followed. Looking at her father she will enjoy selling your soul on the open market." She then stands and her body is transformed to her true form with long, black frayed hair, horrid moles and warts dot her blotchy skin, and her long, skinny fingers are tipped by claws that can slice open flesh with a touch. Her clean travel dress is now simple clothes tattered and filthy. She starts to Cackle and says meet my friends father.

Rewards Granted

  1. 300 EXP combat encounter
  2. 225 EXP Exploration
  3. 100 EXP Bonus for creative RP during combat. 
  4. 75 EXP Bonus for keeping Prisoners alive. 

Missions/Quests Completed

Akzunu discovered.

Character(s) interacted with

  1. Commander Korth
  2. Queen Othokent Irhtos
  3. Icky Thelma Fangnuzzle
  4. Lieutenant Mirik
  5. DoryDark Jr. Oakencrown
  6. Two unknown humans Male and female a unknow familiar bond with Jasmal.  
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Report Date
18 Jun 2023
Secondary Location

This article has no secrets.


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