Session 49: Unknow Riders attack a Rest Area. Report in YonZora | World Anvil

Session 49: Unknow Riders attack a Rest Area.

General Summary

The companions of franchise K spent the better part of the Apis day, the 5th of Ares taking care of company business and the Dragon business. The patron left three carts one for Glittergem Mutual holdings and two carts for Glitter gem fine cuts. Both places had concern for the safety of Breenove Glittergem due to the fact that the normal escort of the Crimson guard was not available. They questioned Arceven, and Dagon pretty hard on just what this new guild was. Did they have the safety of Breenove as their first priority or just worried about how many coins they were going make? Once business was completed at the 12 hour. As the companions were returning to the inn from two different directions The 1st seargeant Demos Kanidis of Hotel company waited patiently at the Great Potato for Zayrdi with a bouquet of yellow roses. He then invited her for lunch and began to ask questions about her and the guild that she worked for. Then duty called, but he asked if she was in town ever again if he could call on her. Zayrdi told the half-orc that he could call on her if she was in town again. Then at 14th hour the party departed heading for the town of Osca the next destination point minus the three carts that they dropped off.   As the party traveled they noticed more traffic than the day before. As they past several travelers they pick up on conversations about nobody died last night. This was the first time in 2 10-day that no one has died. Then they heard about a tiefling food caravan that had been attacked at the rest area and they manage somehow to survive. The party then arrived at the rest area where they observed wagons that has been attacked, but they were still cooking fresh food for the weary travelers. They also observed eight bodies that were being buried on the outskirts of the rest area. When the scout of the party investigated this they found eight bodies with the top half completely gone. There was not a clear way to identify the bodies. The companions began asking questions about the attack and found out the tiefling were outnumbered 3-1 and should have been killed. No body could remember the attack. Most said they remembered the raiders coming and then woke up in the morning with a few bumps and bruises. They found the eight half bodies, but no one has a clue how they got there. As the party was taking its hour long rest break Arceven wanted to spend the night but, Breenove persisted that they move on. She knew that they would arrive late into town but she was not sleeping on the ground. As the party was preparing to depart tiefling scouts came running to the rest area warning of more raiders, but this time they were riding strange creatures. The companions of Franchise K prepared as best as they could for the oncoming attack. The raiders were riding 4 Dragonel and had long bows and short swords. The fight ensued with the companions having no casualties this time. Several party members tried to capture one of the raiders, but Saphira has other ideas. Karrin breath weapon was very effective in this conflict as he injured or killed the Dragonel and riders effectively.

Rewards Granted

  1. 700 EXP awarded to: Arceven, Karrin, Dagon, Dagwyn, Zayrdi, Marrik, Dimmir, Conan.
  2. 622 EXP awarded to: Jasmal, Raz' Thrak. 
  3. 75 Bonus EXP Awarded to Arceven.
  4. 50 Bonus EXP awarded to Dagwyn.
  5. 25 Bonus EXP awarded to Karinn.

Missions/Quests Completed

Delivered one of three stops in the town of Bemita.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  • Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  • Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)
  • George Patten (Marik Squire Male Human
  • Annia Alethia (Female) Jasmal Asssistant.
  • Breenove Glittergem (Female Gnome Daughter of Zanbar) Associate traveling with group if this job is picked.
  • Baron Kashim Glittergem (city of Bemita) Gnome
  • Joxi Zupleribis Glittergem Fine Cuts (Bemita) Female gnome
  • Makis Nicolotis: (Male human) Owner of the Impossible Potato Bar. 
  • 1st Sergeant Demos Kanidis (Half-Orc) company 1st sergeant of Hotel company of the Crimson Guard.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
31 May 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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