SESSION 50: The Village of Osca. Report Report in YonZora | World Anvil

SESSION 50: The Village of Osca. Report

General Summary

5th of Ares.    The companions of Franchise K began investigating the dead bodies of the elves and there riding Dragonel. The tiefling and travelers could not believe their eyes. The dragons were back, yet they are small compared to the old stories of old. Even more impressive was the fact that this guild not only protected the coal that they were delivering for the gnome, but the rest of the camp as well. To top it off a human suddenly appear in the dark on the cliff side of the rest area. This human carried a wood staff that suddenly became a blue crystal staff with great healing powers that heal the whole camp at once. The Tiefling began murmuring of a possible healing god that has manifested into human form and was here to help the people of the land. Some of the weary traveler were even saying that the gods are listening and are leaving the constellations to help the people of Azure. Further investigation showed that the elves were in fact moon elves of the Black Moon Empire. Two scroll cases were found on one of the dead elves. The first scroll contained written orders to disrupt the trade between Orcas and Bemita. With the eventual goal of disrupting the trade between Soteropolis and Messesopontos. The second scroll has was seals on both end of the cases with the sigil of a cobra intertwined on a dagger. Dagwyn was able to determine that the scroll was trapped and disabled the trap preventing the acid vile that would destroy the contents inside the scroll. This parchment was an assassin's contract for the death of the traveling bard. She was to be killed as soon as possible. 200 shekels was the price for her death. The catch was that the Venom Blades sigil was to be placed on the body and proof of this was to be turned into the Venom Blade. The contract stated that there was a contact in the village of Bemita. As the party was getting ready to depart galloping horses could be heard coming from the north. This ended up being a mix of Crimson dragons and guard. These men were sent to investigate the attack from the previous night and were ambushed by the same elves and dragons. Lieutenant split his troops in half sending the other half under a crimson guard lieutenant to warn Captain Lysander Kallistratos of Hotel company of the attack. Jasmal healed the wounded troops. As she was doing this, talk among the troops was the same they thought dragons were bigger and more dangerous than what they fought.   On the persistence of Breenova the companion's patron, they left for the town of Osca. They arrived around the 23 hour of the day. a squad along with a sergeant was at the entrance of the village that was surrounded by a stone wall about waist high that surrounded the city. After several questions by Sergeant Thalia Norwood the companions are told about the three inns tells them to move along. Obey the law and keep their weapons peace knotted. From here the companions check into their rooms provided by Breenova at the Golden Shief Inn. Dimmir went to the Salty Serpent to buy a keg of elderberry wine and whatever bread he could purchase. He told the inn keeper Fabia that he would pay triple for the wine. As he was walking out Zaydri and Conan walked into the inn to try and gather intel on the sigil that was discovered on the contract. Fabia had never seen the sigil. Dagwyn, Dagon, and Karrin went to the amphitheater to watch the traveling bard. Each with their own interest in mind. Then all hell broke loose as the young elf was struck with an arrow dropping her to her knees as it plunged deep into her shoulder. The 200 people panicked and started to run in all directions. Dagon cast thaumaturgy which in the long run helped the party, but at first it caused a stampede knocking him prone as he was knocked down by several people. Karrin tried casting sanctuary on the singing bard. In the background mumbling could be heard countering his spell indicating that there was a wizard among them. Then that same wizard cast a fireball spell on the Karrin doing minimal damage. Dagwyn then spotted the likely assassin on a roof top attempting to take out the would be assailant. The loud noise of the Dagon's cantrip allowed other party members to react as well. Conan seeing the same assailant as Dagwyn focused on him and did not see the second assassin who nearly killed Conan in the process driving an arrow deep into his neck. Two fighters and a cleric appeared near the stage and proceeded to try and kill the elf bard to no avail as Jasmal had healed her after the initial attack. Eventually the party killed one of the fighters, the cleric, and one of the rouges. The badly wounded fighter, along with the wounded rouge, and wizard escaped in three different directions.

Rewards Granted

  1. 733 EXP awarded to: Jasmal, Dimmir, Arceven, Zayrdi, Dagwyn, Dagon, Connan, Karrin, Marrik.
  2. 500 EXP awarded to: Raz' Thrak.
  3. The four elves belonged to the Black Moon Empire.
  4. 1 long bow,
  5. 2 Short Swords
  6. 2 Studded Leather armor
  7. Orders from a unknown source ordering the disruption of trade between Osca and Bemita.
  8. A contract for the death of the travelling bard given by a group calling themselves the Venom Blade.
  9. 25 reputaion points with the Crimson guard of Bemita.
  10. 25 reputation points with the Crimson Dragon located between Bemita and Oaca.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Ramoth/Reba
  • Grag The Barbaric Male Orc Dimmir Squire
  • Veldak Pazavur (Male Dragon Born Squire Karrin)
  • Zid Female (female kobold Karrin)
  • George Patten (Marik Squire Male Human
  • Annia Alethia (Female) Jasmal Assistant.
  • Breenove Glittergem (Female Gnome Daughter of Zanbar) Associate traveling with group if this job is picked.
  • Hehelana Oakencrown (Female Elf)
  • Sergeant Varek Redclaw (Male human 24 years old) Crimson Guard. Osca.
  • Lieutenant Aric Thornwood. (Male human 25 Years old) Crimson Dragon
  • Fabia The innkeeper of “The Salty Serpent.” She’s friendly, gossipy, and knows everyone’s business.
  • Lavinia The Golden Sheaf Inn: A cozy inn near the Market Square, offering comfortable lodgings, hearty meals, and a welcoming environment. Perfect for travelers and traders. Managed by a kind-hearted widow, Lavinia.
The War for Soteropolis
Dagon Innsmouth
Raz'Thrak Bloodhoof
Dagwyn Oakencrown
Snoopy Baron
Dimmir “Brightlight”
Chaotic Neutral Satyr (Revelry Bouncer )
Barbarian 1
14 / 14 HP
Pyfor GreenDragonFly
Report Date
08 Jun 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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