The Arch Building / Landmark in YonZora | World Anvil

The Arch

The Arch war memorial was built to honor the fallend heros of the Order of the Phoenix , Order of the Red Dragon, and the Crimson Dragons. This ten-day battle was costly for both sides as 175 dragons and thier riders died. Along with over 2500 casulties from the both sides of the battle. This was a costly defeat for Govonor Abraham Harker bring the armies of Avalon only 10 Leagues from the capital city of Ephesus.

Purpose / Function

To Honor the 75 Fallen riders and their dragons who gave there lives in the siege of Nightmares. As well as the men of the Order of the Red  Dragon and Crimson Dragons.


A massive pure marble arch in the colors of the all three units involved in the Siege of Nightmares. The names of the fallen have been etched into the marble on both sides of the arch.


6th of Zeus, 001 CD: New crowned King Arthur the IX secetly visits the Alethia family requestion permission to build the Arch Memorial for the Siege of Nightmares.   3rd of Ares, 001 CD: Construction begins on the war memorial that would become the Arch to honor the fallen of the Siege on Night Mares.   11th Somnus,  005 CD: Construction is finished on the War memorial called the arch.   3rd of Luna, 005 CD: A cermony and dedication is held for the Arch to honor those fallen heros of the Siege of Night Mares.    14th Cupid, 501 CD: Govoner Abraham sets up a meeting at the arch where the Compaions of Shining Eclispe of the Guild Acq Inc franchise K meet to represent the 12 familes whom Harker calls traitors. Abraham Harker demands the surrender of the 12 famlies for there betrayal and warns the Kingdom of Avalon that war is coming as he will take his right full lands for the Queen and his forefathers from the Pendragons.
Founding Date
11, Somnus 005 CD
Memorial / War Memorial
Parent Location
Owning Organization
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