
Forged in the Fires of War     Similar to the Minotaur, the Warforged owe their origins to the twisted experiments of the Moon Empire. Long ago during The War of the Ancients, Caesar Oppius Coiedius Tibullus and King Qincan Fenhorn commissioned the construction of these semi-organic beings, to aid in the fight against the forces of Uther Pendragon. Originally the Warforged were crafted and enchanted from various inorganic materials, and were basically indistinguishable from the different types of golems known to frequent the lands of Azure. However, as time went on the House of Wranjor sought to improve the usefulness of the Warforged, and so they used a combination of natural elements, organic materials, and necromantic rituals to improve these inorganic vessels. Then a complex series of enchantments would bind them to an individual or an object, such as a control rod. They were meant to be as intelligent as any humanoid species but without true sentience, but the gods had other plans.       In their hubris the Moon Empire sought to create life, and for this the gods punished them. They would have their creations, but they would not be bound so easily. From that moment forward a Warforged could only be bound to an object or individual if they choose to be. Once that willing commitment was made magic would seal the binding into reality. This binding was similar to that between a golem and its creator.       Many years of rebellion would follow as the Warforged fought back against the Moon Empire, their former creators, in an effort to secure their freedom. But the Empire was strong and it’s resources were vast, and eventually the rebellion would be crushed. Most Warforged were captured and destroyed, but some were lucky enough to escape and flee North to seek sanctuary in the Kingdom of the Pendragons. King Arthur saw the souls deep inside the Warforged and recognized their right to live free of oppression. He accepted the Warforged into his kingdom granting them asylum in his lands. While they were met with fear and anger at first the Warforged found their place in society as skilled warriors and crafters, being dubbed “The Soulless” by the common folk of the kingdom. No more Warforged would be created and as the years went on more and more would pass on, dwindling their numbers fewer and fewer, until they became so rare they were whispered about only in legends. Perhaps some of these “ Soulless” still roam the land, looking for a place to call home or fulfilling oaths made a millennia ago.

Basic Information


Living Steel and Stone Warforged are formed from a blend of organic and inorganic materials. Root-like cords infused with alchemical fluids serve as their muscles, wrapped around a framework of steel, darkwood, or stone. Armored plates form a protective outer shell and reinforce joints. Warforged share a common facial design, with a hinged jaw and crystal eyes embedded beneath a reinforced brow ridge. Beyond these common elements of warforged design, the precise materials and build of a warforged vary based on the purpose for which it was designed.   Although they were manufactured, warforged are living humanoids. Resting, healing magic, and the Medicine skill all provide the same benefits to warforged that they do to other humanoids.

Ecology and Habitats

Warforged Personality The warforged were built to serve and to fight. For most of their existence, warforged had a clearly defined function and were encouraged to focus purely on that role. King Arthur accepted them into his kindgom, but many still struggle both to find a place in the post-war world and to relate to the creatures who created them.   The typical warforged shows little emotion. Many warforged embrace a concrete purpose — such as protecting allies, completing a contract, or exploring a land — and embrace this task as they once did war. However, there are warforged who delight in exploring their feelings, their freedom, and their relationships with others. Most warforged have no interest in religion, but some embrace faith and mysticism, seeking higher purpose and deeper meaning.   The typical warforged has a sexless body shape. Some warforged ignore the concept of gender entirely, while others adopt a gender identity.   The more a warforged develops its individuality, the more likely it is to modify its body, seeking out an artificer to customize the look of its face, limbs, and plating.

Biological Cycle

Playable at DM Desecration

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Scientific Name
Average Height
Average Weight


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