Wrathful Hammers. Organization in YonZora | World Anvil

Wrathful Hammers.

The Wrathful Hammers is the military wing  for the Rock & Stone mining company located in the village of Bedrock.  The current commander of the dwarven army is Earl Barney Rubble. The Wrathful Hammer consist of the all three branches of the dwarven army which includes the following:  
  • King's Axe (elite)
  • Mountain Guard (Basic army)
  • Mine Shields (Town Guard)
In the early stages of the city of Bedrock the army is only clan members of the Rubble clan.  As the village and mine grown other clans will be allowed to join the dwarven army.

No Dwarf left behind.

Founding Date
1 Zeus 490 CD.
Military, Armed Forces
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Related Species
Related Ethnicities


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