Garion Tallatina Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Garion Tallatina


Garion Tallatina is the younger son of Jostra and Vander Tallatina, and therefore the one on whom all the family expectations fell after Raina left. This was advantageous in some ways - Garion enjoys his career in the Glass Rangers and wants to live up to his family legacy. However, it also brought him an arranged marriage he didn't want and a world of trouble when he was sent to fetch Raina home (along with his potential new love Jarys).   Despite all this, Garion still idolizes and adores his sister.    


Garion remained a member of the Glass Rangers throughout most of his life, reaching the rank of Captain pretty quickly after the battle of Issilidor, but he never stopped trying to be better, as he always had his amazing older sister as an ideal to work towards. Garion spent much of his time as a ranger captain integrating Orcs into the Glass Rangers, and leading expeditions into Orcish territory in the Frozen Wastes. Over centuries, he secures the region for the Court, bringing peace with many distant orc tribes, and fighting alongside them against other tribes that insisted on violence. Garion excels at this, having learned to appreciate orcs and their customs throughout the war with the Empire, and being recognized by them as the sole Elvish Eye of Gruumsh. He keeps the power of the Eye for the rest of his life, and only becomes more skilled with commanding its power, though he never does stop complaining about missing his handsome looks.   Garion and Jaerus continue their relationship, and after a few years, get married with Garion’s parents’ blessing. While both of them travel often, they remain in each others’ hearts always. Garion helps Jaerus raise Miona, and though he’s bad at it and never really manages to be a father to her, he becomes an older brother like figure to her, and she does at least like to brag that she got a two-for-one deal out of a hag.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Garion is in fit condition for a Glass Ranger.

Body Features

Lingering scars on his shoulders from the Grumsh spikes

Physical quirks

A little clumsy

Mental characteristics




Garion was trained to be a Glass Ranger and eventual elf noble, so his education primarily concentrated on combat skills and etiquette.


Glass Rangers

Accomplishments & Achievements

Along with his sister, Opal, Ira, and others, he helped to turn back the Orcish invasion, though he was cursed in the process.

Failures & Embarrassments

During the Orcish invasion, Garion was kidnapped while attempting to rescue Silinee. His left eye was plucked out and almost replaced with the cursed Eye of Grumsh; luckily, it was quickly removed, but not before inducing severe trauma and creating temporary spikes on his shoulders.

Mental Trauma

He has severe lingering PTSD from his brief encounter with Grumsh.

Personality Characteristics


Garion dreams of becoming a successful Glass Ranger and protecting his people. If he can live up to his sister's reputation, even better.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great with kids


Vander Tallatina

Father (Vital)

Towards Garion Tallatina



Garion Tallatina

Son (Vital)

Towards Vander Tallatina



Garion Tallatina

Brother (Vital)

Towards Raina Tallatina



Raina Tallatina

Sister (Important)

Towards Garion Tallatina



Wealth & Financial state

Garion has family wealth and is often elected to be its holder (which Raina takes advantage of when she can).
Current Location
Bright blue
Medium brown short hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish Orcish (?) Silvan (?)
Character Prototype
Arthur Darvill

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