Jostra Tallatina Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Jostra Tallatina

Lady Jastra Tallatina

The head of the Tallatina noble house. An ex-ranger of great talent and skill. In her youth she was a captain of the Glass Rangers, and gained fame for killing a white dragon. She retired in order to raise her family, but has recently become the new Ranger General out of necessity, and a renewed sense of duty, courtesy of her daughter.   After the war of the banished, Jostra became the Ranger General to replace Rathillion. She led the council all through the conflict with the Empire.  


  Jostra remains the Ranger General for three centuries, leading the council, and all of Issilidor, through its transition to the Elven Court, and then some. Though the council rules as a group, she is seen as a strong leader many look up to, and many attest the Court’s ability to stay together to her. Vander remains by her side throughout, handling many of the politics and bureaucracy for his wife. When not acting for the good of the Elven Court, the two throw themselves into raising Istarra, eager at the new chance to raise another child. Having only grown through their experiences with their own two children, the young girl wanted for nothing, and was loved and supported throughout her childhood, if a little spoiled.   Eventually, both retire from their public positions, and enjoy a quiet retirement in their home, watching over their fully grown children.

Mental characteristics


Jostra was trained to be a Glass Ranger and high elf lady, which included extensive battle training and social etiquette lessons. The battle training was ultimately more successful than the etiquette.


Head of the Glass Rangers

Accomplishments & Achievements

She killed a dragon once, and regaled her children with stories of her exploits during their adolescence.


Family Ties

Vander Tallatina (husband)
Raina Tallatina (daughter)
Garyon Tallatina (son)
Estarra Tallatina (adopted daughter)


Vander Tallatina

Husband (Vital)

Towards Jostra Tallatina



Jostra Tallatina

Wife (Vital)

Towards Vander Tallatina




An arranged marriage that blossomed into love...eventually.

Nicknames & Petnames


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ranger General of Issilidor
Current Residence
Talatina Estate
Dark blue
Dark brown, streaked with silver and gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Porcelain-pale, like Raina
5'6", slightly shorter than her daughter

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