Eldonna Character in Yumurta | World Anvil
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Eldonna is the Goddess of the Moon, elves, and hunting. Among gods, she is one of the youngest, having only existed for a few thousand years, where she ascended from the life of an Eladrin after stealing godhood from Fey-King Oberon. She is a Chaotic-Good goddess, whose teachings include valuing life, living in harmony with nature, and protecting the weak.  

Cycle of Reincarnation

Gods, not being mortal, are unable to experience change or growth under normal means. They are eternally as they are, and thus cannot normally sympathize with, or understand the changing circumstances of mortal lives. Most gods get around this by relying on the thoughts and experiences of the mortal souls under their control, using them like a neural network with more weight given to those recently passed, or with relevant life experiences.   Eldonna however, does not use this method. Having been little more than a mortal in life, she does not wish to give judgements and guidance that she does not, herself, understand. Thus, in order for her to learn and grow with the changing times, and better understand her followers, Eldonna uses a cycle of reincarnation, splitting off a piece of her divine self to be reborn as a mortal soul, live a mortal life, and then return to her consciousness after death. In this way, Eldonna herself experiences change every few millennia, growing and changing as a goddess like so few others do. Her reincarnations are known as "Champions of Eldonna", though it was not known by her followers that these chosen few were actually reincarnations of Eldonna herself. The sign of her champion is Eldonna's own silver bow, that always finds its way to her in whatever life she lives.   Thus far, there have been 5 Champions of Eldonna, with Raina Tallatina, being the 5th and current one. Each has made their own mark on history, and take the form of spirit elves that appear when called upon by the current champion.   This reincarnation, of course, does not come without risk. If the Champion of Eldonna is killed by the power of another god, that god's power could be worked back to Eldonna herself, and kill her. This was the original plan of Lloth, who created her own reincarnation, Istarra, originally named Raina as well, for this very purpose. However, it did not come to pass.

Divine Domains

Life, Light, Nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • The Moon
  • Silver Bow
  • Starlight

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Eldonna was born as the daughter of King Oberon and Queen Tatiana (character) of the Fey. Unknown to most, including her followers, she was the younger of a pair of twins, the other being Llothellenell, who would someday become Lloth, the spider queen. However, Harlequin demanded one of the children, as the ancient laws of the Fey Wild stated that one of every twin be given to him. Eldonna was picked to keep by Oberon, as her face was clear of blemishes and she was deemed the more "beautiful" of the two.  

Life as a Fey

Eldonna was doted on and loved dearly by her parents, growing into a great beauty with powerful talents as a huntress and a warrior. She was taught by Elvaneera Molgleem, her father's head huntress and leader of his personal guard. Eldonna was the greatest huntress of all the Fey, slaying many powerful monsters, even in the darkest pits of Harlequin's lands. She eventually took Molgleem's place as her father's right hand, and came to lead most of the Eladrin, a race of greater Fey that served her father's Seelie Court. Her younger brother, Girallon was always at her side, and she was his friend and mentor.   Among her accomplishments, she defeated the great Spider Queen, Lloth, although when she had a chance to kill the creature, she spared it, out of a strange feeling of pity. Little known to her, Lloth was her sister, transformed into a terrible monster.  

Ascension to Godhood

At some point, Oberon became obsessed with leaving his eternal kingdom of the Fey and ascending to godhood. In his pursuit of divinity, he became ever more arrogant and cruel, to the point that his own children began to see the wickedness within him. Girallon came to his sister with a plan, to steal godhood from their father and kill him. Eldonna reluctantly agreed, and they continued to play along with their father's plan, right up to his ascension, where a blood-red moon formed in the sky to be his heavenly realm. There, Eldonna shot her father in the back with an arrow, and while he was wounded, she took his place, the purity in her heart turning the moon silver. This moon, also known as the heavenly realm of Arcadia, remains the home plane of the goddess and the resting place for her followers.   Girallon begged his sister to complete their plan and kill Oberon, but she refused, unwilling to kill her own father. As a result, Oberon, in his rage, attacked his own son, gouging out Girallon's eye and banishing him to Hell. Ironically, there Girallon found godhood of his home, becoming the One-Eyed Orcish god of war and strength, Gruumsh. Only recently was this story accepted as canon by the elves.  

Birth of the Elves

Oberon's revenge did not stop at Eldonna's brother. He punished every one of her followers, stripping their immortality from them and banishing them to the Mortal Plane. Eldonna came to them though, still possessing her mortal body, and led them on their journey to a new home. The place she led them was the northern forests of Issilidor, where she planted a single seed from the fey wild, imbuing it with her divine power, where it grew into the first glass tree of Casal Issilideth. Once she founded the city and told her people that the moon would always watch over them and be a beacon in their nights, she journeyed to the highest mountain in the land, and her soul ascended for good, leaving her mortal body behind to become the center of the Temple of the Moon.


Raina Tallatina

Reincarnation (Vital)

Towards Eldonna




Original Soul (Vital)

Towards Raina Tallatina




Well, Eldonna reincarnated as Raina. It's complicated.

Divine Classification

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