
Fra-Shandan, the verdant jewel of the eastern lands, is a land shrouded in mist and mystery, where ancient forests stretch as far as the eye can see and the whispering winds carry the secrets of the ages. Nestled between towering mountains and great forests, Fra-Shandan is a realm of unparalleled beauty, natural growth and wonder.   Fra-Shandan is not merely a land of untamed wilderness. In the time of origins, it was home to the elves, the ancient guardians of the forest who have dwelled in its shadows since. For countless generations, the elves lived in harmony with the land, their society guided by the principles of wisdom, compassion, and respect for all living things. But as the ages passed and the world outside Fra-Shandan changed, so too did the elves, their once-isolated realm becoming increasingly entwined with the affairs of mortals, in particular, Dwarves.   Today, Fra-Shandan stands as a beacon of peace and tranquillity in a once world torn apart by strife and conflict. Though the elves still guard their ancient forests with vigilance, they have opened their borders to travellers and adventurers from across the realm, welcoming all who seek to bask in the beauty of their homeland.


Fre-Shandan is currently considered free land, as such there are many independently governing settlements spread throughout the region. The greatest power in the region is the Council of Ever-Stone .

Industry & Trade

The economy of Fra-Shandan thrives on the trade of rare herbs, precious woods, and artisanal crafts. In addition, trade caravans can find a plethora of work in the region, transporting goods from other nations.


Fra-Shandan is characterized by its lush, mist-covered forests, which are fed by the abundant rainfall from the surrounding mountains. The Misy'Tel River runs through the heart of Fra-Shandan, serving as a vital water source and a natural boundary within the country.


During the summer months, temperatures are warm but not excessively hot. Summers are characterized by longer days with abundant sunshine, punctuated by occasional rain showers that nourish the verdant landscapes.
Winters are cool, bringing shorter days and a crispness to the air. Snow is rare, but frost can occur, especially in the higher elevations near the mountains.
The transitional seasons are marked by mild temperatures and a mix of weather patterns, from clear, sunny days to misty rains that maintain the lushness of the environment.
The changing seasons support a rich biodiversity, allowing for a variety of crops to be grown and a multitude of flora and fauna to thrive.
Alternative Name(s)
The Verdant Jewel
National Territory
Location under


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