The Final march of the Godspawn


The myth of the end of the world, known as the Final march of the Godspawn, is a prophecy interwoven with the destinies of gods and mortals alike.   The Final march of the Godspawn speaks of a time when the veil between the divine and the mortal realms will thin, heralding an era of upheaval and transformation. This period, known as the Final march of the Godspawn, will see the three Majour gods of both law and chaos: Strength, Justice, Death of law, And The World, The Lovers, and The Emperor of chaos, emerge from their celestial domains to wage war against each other that will decide the fate of all creation.   The Harbingers of the End: Signs will precede the coming of the Final march of the Godspawn, each a reflection of the gods’ influence upon the world:  
  • Strength’s Bastions Fall: Great fortresses and citadels of order will crumble, symbolizing the weakening of Strength’s hold over the world.
  • Justice’s Scales Tip: In courts and councils, justice will falter, giving way to corruption and inequity as Justice’s influence wanes.
  • Death’s Shadow Lengthens: The natural order of life and death will be disrupted, with the dead rising on mass and the living succumbing to unnatural fates.
  • The World’s Convulsions: Cataclysmic natural disasters will reshape the land, as The World’s chaotic nature manifests with unbridled fury.
  • The Lovers’ Discord: Passion and strife will surge, leading to conflicts born of desire and heartache, echoing The Lovers’ tumultuous domain.
  • The Emperor’s Dark Ambition: Tyrants and conquerors will rise, their thirst for power mirroring The Emperor’s relentless pursuit of dominion.
The Cycle of Ends and Beginnings: The Final march of the Godspawn is not merely an end but a transition. It is a belief that with destruction comes rebirth. The prophecy foretells that from the ashes of the old world, a new one will arise, shaped by the victors of the great god war.


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Aug 7, 2024 04:01 by Valentine Myers

Solid stuff! I really like how most of the signs are more subtle social changes rather than big dramatic events, save for Death and The World. It really makes me think of how many times people will point out the book of revelations in regards to real world tragedies.   Side note, as a tarot nerd I do adore the gods being named after the Major Arcana.

Aug 8, 2024 12:38 by Harrison

Thank you very much. I'm glad you enjoyed it.