Session 2.1 Report in Zennith | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 2.1

General Summary

Lots of happened in the last couple of months. The aftermath of the siege is becoming apparent to those living in and around Inkonai. The city has been saved but there are rifts to be mended between the monstrous races and those that are more accepted by society. Amidst this struggle we find our heroes. Right now Wojtek has been released buy the governor and is continuing to work with The Bokkens. However he has taken it on himself to talk with Harthur, centaur who is the defacto leader of those that had followed the Rhino. He sees himself as the one who represents the Bestial/Monstrous Races. Amber also has gotten in these talks, attempting to mend differences and relationships between the two groups. Because of this Badil has joined our main group in leu of Amber being away. The other big piece of news is that the competition for exploring Tel Koth. This happens every 5-10 years in Zhen Gho but everyone seems to forget about it in between and suddenly be aware of it again thanks to the The Kenbosho. The Bokkens have tasked their main group to enter Tel Koth in search of riches and wealth. They have in fact hired a scout to help them through the labyrinth below in The Under Realm. Orion is a halfling fighter who has made scouting his profession. He has worked with Ronan in the past and came highly recommended to the Bokkens. After a negation he agreed to lead the group below.

Before they left Valoria Shin mentioned they had hired two more crews, two handlers, as well as another scout for the Bokkens. With the success of their group they were going to capitalize on this method. While they were gone the other groups would take up the work they had been doing and help to expand the Bokkens' influence in Inkonai so they would have some new work for them once they exited the Under Realm. Cheng wished them luck on their travels and asked they make sure to come back with enough to make the expense and trip worthwhile.

With that news they stocked up a bit on supplies and began their way to Chask. There they were directed to the House of Texlar Finn by a local citizen who couldn't believe they want to talk to Old Insane Finn. They came to his house and could see that he had done well for himself, probably from his trip to Tel Koth and back. Upon knocking a male gnome answered the door. Looking past Texlar they could tell the house had not been kept up in many years. Seemed like it was just holding together enough for him to live there. He invited them in cordially enough. While the rest began to talk with Texlar Hadarai broke off from the group and began to explore the other parts of the house. He quickly found there was not much on the main floor and began to make his way upstairs. The most peculiar thing he found was that leading from each end of the top of the stairs there were two very thick blood red ropes. They were suspended above the air as if blocking off the rest of the second level except that they both led directly to one door and one door only. Hadarai made his way to this door and began to open it.

The rest of the group were asking Texlar different questions trying to get any sort of answer they could. At first he was quite helpful. He explained that Tel Koth seemed to be outside the normal stream of thought. It was always there but removed, or blocked, from their minds at certain points. Every 5-10 years or so it would be remembered and suddenly everyone wanted to go below and grab as much treasure as they could. But there was a time limit. Something was always waiting to close the time. Those trapped after that never seemed to return, and then forgotten until the next time around. Apart from that there were terrible dangers down there including Drow, Duergar, monsters, and horrors untold. He talked about how his group went down there two times ago in search of wealth. He did in fact find quite a wealth below, but unfortunately his friends all died down there, all three of them. Suddenly at the end of this conversation he blurted off this phrase, "The heart beats, the heart beats, the heart beats but its a mad beat".

Hadarai opens the door to find the rope continues coming to a point just in front of the door. From that point the rope splits off into three different directions leading deeper into the room. Looking up Hadarai sees they lead to three coffins with glass lids but raised up. From his current point he can't see if there is anything inside of them. As he moves closer he is able to get his first look inside. It appears as though in each coffin is a skeleton of someone. There is a dwarf, an elf, and what appears to be a human. On the side of each coffin names are written. The Dwarf is Truegar, the elf has the name Qun-Ti Shue, and the humanoid has the name Tay.

The rest of the group begins to ask deeper question of Texlar and he shows them the diary he kept while beneath Tel Koth. They read portions of it and understand that some he doesn't remember. There is also a clear point in the diary where he goes from sane to definitely a shift in his mental stability. Throughout the diary is also written the phrase, "The heart beats. the heart beats, the heart beats but its a mad beat". They get to the part where he talks about his compatriots and find their names, Truegar, Qun-Ti Shue, and Tey. He writes how they didn't make it one morning and were killed but a unknown killer. They then find a drawing at the back of the book. It is a humanoid figure but very slender and tall. The head has a shiny bald head and the eyes resemble those slit like eyes of a predator. Where the neck would be and to abou the stomach there is just scribble. It looks as though someone couldn't quite get the look they wanted and simply just filled in the area with scribbles. At this same time Hadarai seems a very similar outline in the form of an effigy upstairs. With that he makes his way downstairs to join the others.

With that the players leave, having gained a bit of information, but opening up many more questions. They travel down the Republican Highway with no trouble and arrive outside Tel Koth. There they find many merchants have set up tents with their wares available advertising great deals to go down into the depths. It is remarkable how many lawmages are there to inscribe wills and last testaments. The players begin their journey and start down the long dark path of Tel Koth. Meanwhile back in Chask Texlar is sitting in a chair. There is indiscernable whispers heard all over. Texlar looks to be in a trance and listening intently. Suddenly he sits up straight eyes open, but fully black.

"They are on their way"

Missions/Quests Completed

They were able to complete some information gathering from Texlar Finn Arrived at Tel Koth

Character(s) interacted with

Valoria Shin Texlar Finn
Report Date
29 Oct 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Plots
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Texlar Finn in his house as the adventures visit him
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Texlar's Drawing


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