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The Xeran Crusade Overview


  1. Act 1- the rescue
  2. Objectives: Players are told to rescue the Aasimar Emile with as much stealth as possibleDelvopement: Player uncover plan to invade North Elerene, the Xerans have no desire for any diplomatic actions, as their attacks are the work of a Holy crusade of thier god Asiz
  3. Act 2- the Plan
  4. Objectives: Aasimar hires out adventurers to convince the noble houses to Ally with Lucia, Unite the Vessis Tribes to Ally with LuciaDevelopment: Lucian Capital falls Due a Surprise assualt from South due to Trechery in Ixis, Lucia forms a defensive rebellion
  5. Act 3- the Xeran Crusade
  6. Objectives:  unite the Rebels of Ixis and Lucia, Defeat the Xeran Crusade,Development : Tourbillon and Vessis enter a Protective peace treaty. 

Plot points/Scenes

Act 1 Summary

the party finds the dignitary and attempts to extract only for said dignitary to refuse to leave because he wants stop the Xeran empire,  sending an important message back to the holy kingdom of tourbillon.  Revealing a plan to unite various rebellion across the globe and attack the empire on a united front  revealing the empire is spread too thin  hold all off their territories.   

act 2  Summary 

After several missions to help the Lucian rebellion grow, including gathering resources, encouraging others to fight back, and dealing with insurgents in their own group. As well as sabotaging the empire, the day of attack draws near a the Empire unveils a new weapon.     

Act 3 Summary 

 the day to attack has come and people from all captured territories prepare  several uprising against the Xeran empire,  While Tourbillion the Vessis tribes and the Nasser Kingdom,  major push toward  the Xeran empire through the mire  Our heroes square off against the new weapon.,    .


Overall themes

  • Uniting to overcome in spite of differences 
  • the weight of Expectation/ Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations
  • the lines between good and evil 



initial goal is to Save an aasimar Dignitary, for money religious purpose, or boost morale for the tourbillon Military .     true goal- defeat the Xeran empire, and remove them from the Southern continent.


Primary hook get money for a job,  Secondary hook, becomes heroes to a few countries


the Xeran empire takes over the world

Moral Quandaries

the Xeran brings order to once lawless places, rids itself of rule through nepotism, and the aristocracy,

Cruel Tricks

a spy sabotages a number the rebellions plans,



Emile Cordeux - Aasimar boy who was enslaved, with his religious sect.   Saint Guillame Sinclair-  Saint of the Unitary church, Patron of the Quest    Robert Parker-  General of the Tourbillon army, strategic advisor, patron of the quest    Alicia Merrian-  Head of the Religious Sect, caretaker of Emile.



Primary Locations, a Jungle  and a tundra


Massive enemy force, wildlife, monsters, and the environment


Survival, Combat, investigation, planning, travel, and pursuit


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