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Xeran Crusade: Act 1-the Rescue

Near of the End the of the 3rd Era the Xeran Empire left the continent of Xer, started a holy war of domination set forth by their God Aziz. The Empire moved westward to their 1st conquest, The Elven kingdom of Xia. Which after a brutal Civil war ravaged the Kingdom, succumbed to the sudden onslaught within a few years. Feeling the momentum of thier righteous cause, the Empire looked to the Southwest and struck the the small nation of Ixisal and the Free folk of Lucia, to the shock of the many nations. Now the Continent South Elerene sudden see themselves embroiled in a war to remain free.   In North Elerene, the Holy kingdom of Tourbillon, Sees the sudden aggressive power of the Empire, chooses to pursue diplomatic actioon for peace. In not wanting to loose the valueable trade of the Lucia, Tourbillon kingdom sends Missionaries of the Unitary Church to Lucia to help it's Citzenry only to find that relief effort lost to the invading army. Now Tourbillon seeks aid of Adventurers, Mercenaries and Rebels to try to Retrieve their Missionaries lest their Diplomatic efforts be for naught.

Plot points/Scenes

False Pretenses:

For one reason or another the players begin the journey entering small encampment where they were given a directions in the dense Lucian jungle just past Central Elerene Each character move into the encampment seeing this:  
Suddenly in this dense lush jungle opens up to small opening revealing a encampment with a wooden Pallisades making up a small perimeter,you see the top of the large canvas tent near the center.You see two guards wearing ring with green tabards with five yellow fleur de lis across front guarding the gate. One of the guards halts you and ask that you state your business.
After the player confirm that they've arrive to take the quest the guard point out large tent in center and tell them to that Captain Fernand Roche is waiting for them inside. As players enter the state of the camp is as follows:  
The camp is small filled several smaller tents surrounding the larger one, mood the camp is notably tense, despite the inaction you see a few soldiers carry various holy symbols and a few are in prayer the rest are relaxed yet alert maintaining their weapons and armor. You enter the largest tent, you a hulking figure in plate, minus a helm, wearing emerald cape with a gold emblem large sword the hilt surround with floral wreath; he's standing over a large table that seem to have a large map of the area. The man turns around His plate a burnished yellow with two gold knot tied near signifying his rank of Captain, he's a light tanned man going in to his middle years with a few notable streaks of gray in short wavy black hair that's combed back. Despite a few wrinkles and a crooked nose that seems to have broken a few times he's handsome in a rugged way. His sharp dark brown eyes look you over as you walk in "I'll be with you in a moment.Stand over there. " he turns back around studying his map.
Once all players enter the scene a briefing of Quest/missions will begin, As a woman enters if there are any tieflings around she will actively flinch away from them  
A stout woman enters the tent, she' adorned in deep brown priest robes with vines patterns running through it wearing a small brass circle symbol depicting a tree around her neck. She's fair skinned with long brunette hair in long braid that stop in the center of the back. you get a good at her and her face is a bit broad otherwise her looks are plain; Her dark green eyes flash over the look you all. "Are these the one's we're sending Captain?" She says as Fernand, turns to the you. "Yes, Everyone this Matron Vanessa from the Elle sect of Unitary Church best we get down to business then, the job you all come for. I'm afraid we've had decieved you on the exact details what this quest entails, worry not the pay hasn't change one copper, but for security reasons we needed to keep certain issues under wraps and their maybe more coin in it for besides."
the Players are under the assumption that the quest is to Rescue missonaries of the Unitary Church, They are in fact only required rescue one, An Aasimar called Emile Corduex (History Dc 12 for the Signifigance of Aasimar in Tourbillon culture, Unless character is from Tourbillon) the players are told they can rescue the other Missonaries if they can(there are 5 others in Total) but the Priority is the Aasimar Emile Cordeux. If the players manage to rescue the other Missionaries they will a 50g bonus per person rescued on of the 400g for the quest itself making 650g total for all Missionariers rescued. Fernand Will give a description of Emile:  
"The holy Aasimar Emile, is boy of fourteen summers dark brown curly hair, fair of skin with light freckles, and the most notable feature are his eyes, their a deep luminous emerald, hopefully he's wise enough to hide that feature. Temperment wise he's sheltered spoiled brat." Matron Vanessa glares at the captain "that's no speak of the holy aasimar." The Captain glances at her and sigh, " I'm telling them, what to expect, and frankly speaking I hope the boy learns something from this experience, I only pray that the lesson isn't to harsh." the Priestess huffs " the boy is blessed by the Mother of Nature, and these Xerans are heretical zealots following Aziz they'll kill the boy or worse involve him in some blaspheous ritual because of his blood." 
The Captain gives the names description for the rest of the Missionaries, Mere Forabella Woldbeard a Dwarven woman Cragist sect. Auburn hair tied in a braid fair skin brown eyes, Pere  Peregrin Diggle halfing man monk to elle sect, short black curly hair deeply tan skin hazel eyes, Frere Brice Gallois a half-elven man, Terain sect, short swept back straight brunette hair with hazel Eyes, Souer Esoc Vidal , Brass Scale dragonborn woman with two curving horns swept back Paladin to Sarethi Sect 6'2 green eyes. Mogak Ironhand Orc Acolyte, monk of Cragist sect brunette hair with mohawk and pony tail brown eyes.   Fernand will give the location of a nearby settlement were the missionaries were last seen before the  Xeran incursion.
The Missionaries were last seen in small village on the northern coast called Piccola Riva along river where a Xeran raiding hit and taken captives, the raid was fought off we believe that the Missionaries were carried off from there.  When you find Emile or any of the other missionaries be sure to lead them here safely and under no circumstance are you to let anyone Lucian or other wise know of your quest, beyond that I leave rest to you. May the gods shelter and watch over you all.   

The Search begins:

the party should be led  toward the Piccola Riva




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