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Valiant: July Roundup

Hallo all! Hope Summer Camp's was as productive as they hoped and wished for! Over here at the Neko Cafe, we're back with the Valiant roundup for July. Life has demanded a lot from the red panda in the last month, but he's remained hard at work, making sure to get out a little bit of writing every day, even if it's only a few paragraphs. We've listed last month's releases below - hope you enjoy them!   Dreaming Draught #4: Nostalgia
A draught that can be enjoyed on its own, or used as an element in other draughts.   Dreaming Draught #5: Spitfire
A draught that'll put some pep in your step and fire in your saliva.   Dreaming Draught #6: Candor (Syntaritov Variant)
A favored choice for spies and interrogators the galaxy over.   Covenant #35: The Invitation
After returning from the Old City, Jayta and Raikaron settle back into life in Sjelefengsel.     And if you'd like to start from the beginning, the link to Valiant: Season 2 is below!  

Valiant: Season 2

  Stay frosty,

Summer Camp Number #6

Just a quickie. I had a idea and needed to get it done before my lack of sleep kicked in. Not great and its a little cynical (especially in regards to a certain celebrity chef) but its a nice little addition to the world. I find it hard to believe I've got to six. I may get some more done through the week or wait until the next set of prompts.
Dragon Meat
Myth | Jul 15, 2024

Just Finished Summer Camp Article #6 "The Vicentia Bathhouse"

The Bathhouse of Vicentia
Building / Landmark | Aug 1, 2024

Caturday Reads #6

  Happy Caturday!
  Hope you're having a good weekend. Here it seems it spring got skipped over entirely and dropped us right into the hot summer, so I've been mostly hiding indoors to avoid melting - and to avoid an absolute explosion of pollen as every plant out there scrambles to catch up with the short season change.
  Finding the necessary concentration for reading, among other things, has been difficult these last two weeks. But I did manage to meet my goal for today at least and got three entries to share with you.
  First one is a shoutout to my fellow #Traveller CrazyEddie, for one of their recent articles. While they're always been good at writing compelling characters, this one stood out as perhaps the one I found having the most intriguing background and personality yet.
Character | May 24, 2024

  The next article is written by Darkseid, and is such fantastic presentation of their world and it's current state. Besides being a good read in itself, it's formatted well and the quotes are really evocative.
Aeteria the Broken
Geographic Location | Mar 25, 2024

A world torn apart in ancient times.

  The last one is written by MGatta for the Summer Camp '23 prompt "a seat of power (of any kind!)". I rarely get to see some cool and original ideas for elemental planes other than fire and shadow, but this one for the plane of air for sure was one of them.
Settlement | Jul 2, 2023

  And that was all I had for this time. Hope you all have a great week ahead of you.
  #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList

February Mid-Month Check-In

Can I do a regular journal post here to chronicle... uh, things? Maybe. We'll try loooool.   WA Stuff
I'm trying to participate in more WA contests, so we're giving the Bestiary a try! I thought it would be cool to do a distinctive animal from each inhabitable planet in my universe (26 of them, plus the Legion ships) so that's what I'm doing. The going is slow (as always lol) but here's what I've got completed so far:

    Publishing Stuff
At the end of January, the American Library Association (ALA) had its Youth Media Awards (YMAs), and my latest book Black Bird, Blue Road got the Sydney Taylor Book Award Honor for Middle Grade. All three of my books have this award, so that's a hat trick for me! The best thing about getting this award is that I already have a bunch of stickers leftover from when my other two got it, so I could slap shiny stickers on my copies immediately! YAY STICKERS!   Grown Adult Job Stuff
In real life, I'm a mental health professional and I have significant work history and education in trauma, critical care, and disaster medicine. I love talking about all those things, especially with authors who are looking for more accurate information for their stories. So if you'd like to ask me some questions, please do! You can contact me here or on Discord at Sofi (she/her/gremlin)#6653.   Stay sweet,

August Reading with Lavani #6 and #5

"I will remember this story and warning. I have faced foes capable of infusing temptation and curses on items like the Pebble of Luck. I weep for Jale." -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.

Somehow I missed posting about Hunter Matinaepod's from Desdemonarose!

"The Talithans have taken such care with their new world! Keeping a pack ambush hunter like the Matinaepod at a distance but allowing it to flourish shows their commitment." -Lavani


Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #6

This week has been moderately productive, though mainly in regards to articles that I began writing several months ago.
  I finally managed to write my Heart-Eye article, which I had been struggling with for some time. I am fairly pleased with it and how it turned out.
The Herzauge Blossoming
Condition | Apr 30, 2022

A condition that gives the afflicted heart-eyes and aphrodisiac saliva. Also increases fertility.

  The next article I did was about the fungi that was the origin of the Herzauge Blossoming. A bit more difficult to write but otherwise went okey.
Herzauge Fungi
Species | Apr 27, 2022

An astralphysical fungi that is the cause of the Herzauge Blossoming condition.

  The last article I properly did was regarding one of the most important time periods in my setting. The Great Sorrow. Had some trouble choosing exactly what to write about but think I got the most important ones.
The Great Sorrow
Generic article | May 1, 2022

A short article about the Great Sorrow, which began when Architect vanished.


Nadir #6 of 7 - Greed

6th Nadir down, 1 more to go! My tenth creation for WE '21 is another one of the 7 Nadirs of Sin - Greed.
Pride, Sloth, Wrath, Lust and Gluttony came before and now i'm really excited to reveal yet anothe one of the Seven Nadirs to you. Only 1 more left!   And with that, I've completed WorldEmber 2021! This article takes me past the 10k goal and this is my first ever time competing so I'm super happy to say that I did it! and with a day to spare! :D   Please check it out and let me know your thoughts or ask some questions!
Xateal, Nadir of Greed
Character | Aug 20, 2022

Monday Update #6

Phew. *wipes forehead* I've only had one day off from work this weekend but I think that I've managed to do a lot anyway.
  I've streamed two times, I drew an image during one of the streams. The image isn't finished yet but it will be finished soon. Just been distracted by the shiny new generators. XD Been remaking name generators for a week now. Don't have one I'm completely satisfied with for my worlds yet.
  I have decided on a name for the third world (Skywell) and plotted more on my three webcomics for the worlds. XD;;
  This coming week I will only be streaming 1 night because I have to go to bed early at the beginning of this week since I have a phone meeting early on Wednesday before work. Looking at the clock I also have to cut this update short because I should be heading for bed. See you next week!

If there's something I've realized this Worldember...

It's the fact that I have SO much left to do. So many new stubs plopping up as I'm writing. So much nature to describe, so many nations, so many ethnicities. Dunia always feels "done" to me, because it's "done" in my head. But when I look at Worldanvil, I realize just how much is missing.
  If you've missed my progress, here are the first articles from the first week of worldember:
  Article #1:
Article #2:
Article #3:
Article #4:
Article #5:
Article #6:

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

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