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Just Finished Summer Camp Article #8 Jotenkin "Giant-Kin" A SUB-CULTURE CONSIDERED LARGER-THAN-LIFE BY SOME...

Jotenkin "Giant-Kin"
Ethnicity | Jul 25, 2024

Caturday Reads #8

Happy Caturday!   So, first week of Summer Camp has come and gone, and people have been prolific writers as expected. Myself been taking it slow, with just one copper wave prompt out and another one still in the works.   What do you think about the newly released silver prompts? How did you like the copper wave ones? Silver wave didn't hit quite hit home with me right away the same way the copper ones did, but maybe I'll warm up to them once I've mulled over them for a bit.   I did do a lot of reading, though. As has been a personal custom for me every Summer Camp, I've gone through all prompts released so far, sped read the ones that matched my criterias* and caught my interest, and saved the ones I liked a lot in my reading list for later.   And I though: Maybe I should incorporate this in my reading journal series? Well...  

Welcome to the Summer Jazz Special, Copper Wave!

  Below is one entry per prompt that made it to my reading list, go give them some love!     That was all for this week, hope you all have a good weekend and keep up the great work!   * I speed read articles that a) are written by authors I'm not very familiar with b) aren't text walls or bullet point lists c) I don't have to strain my eyes to read e) have the community features on so I can like and add to my reading list.   #CaturdayReads #ShareTheLove #ReadingJournal #ReadingList #whatIamReading #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp

August Reading with Lavani #8

"Azurite may be helpful with divination. Pass the word to the skilled Grindylow stone carvers to try crafting their Watchful Eye's from Azurite." -Lavani

Lavani is a collector of stories. She would love to read about your world. You can submit Summer Camp articles for her to read by leaving a comment on her Reading List here on World Anvil.


Leno's Worldbuilding Week Report #8

This last week has both been busy and not so busy. For one, i wrote and published a single article, one that got around one obstacle I have had for some time. Now I just need to figure out the case with the sky somehow xd.
Solis Rings
Item | Jun 20, 2022

That which illuminates realms.

  On another note, I have actually written a few new books and fixed some older articles. However, at the moment, they are in a temporary private world.
It has hit me that my Mésvéstell setting (my oldest and first one I made) has quite a few drafts in it, and several old articles that need some serious work. I will attempt to fix all this as best I can.
Though I am not sure I should give any notifications regarding it all once I republish the articles. Do not really want to give a flood of notifications again.
  I have also written on a new magic system which is a mix of the Voice in Skyrim and Black Bolt's voice ability. Though I think it may still need some work.
  In any case, hope you all have a good day/evening and take care ^-^

(Creating a WA world designed to help writers with their writing journey)

Wanna help? DM me on Discord!

Symbols of Power has its own theme song!

My sister, the amazing Lu Cutuli has made Symbols of Power its own theme song!
  Lu is taking commissions as well, for more information you can check her entry in The Arketplace by clicking here, leaving a comment in this journal, or ping me on discord ( Naelin#8250 )
  (She has also done an incredible jazzy theme for Dani's Luridity!)

SC 2021 Update - 10/10 Prompts Complete!

With one day to spare before the next set of prompts are released, all of my copper prompt articles have been submitted. I'm a little gutted because, had I not been hit with a massive headache yesterday, I would have probably written this update yesterday. But oh well! Celebrate your victories where you've earned them (and I think I've earned this one :P )
  If you fancy having a read of any of my articles, you can find them all here:
  And because I've tracked it on a spreadsheet here's a break down of some of the stats for the copper prompts so far: > Total word count - 8132 words > Article with the most words - A Song of Law and Opportunity for prompt #8, which currently sits at 927 words > Article with the least words - SNDY and the Death of Cerberus for prompt #9, which currently sits at 753 words, this one was definitely the hardest for me to write out of the 10 prompts we've had so far > Personal favourite? Gradician Ferrets for prompt #4 - I really enjoyed writing this one and researching ferrets (they're pretty cute guys c'mon) and I hope you guys enjoy reading it :D
  Plan of action until the silver prompts get released tomorrow will be reading through some of the other submissions for prompts and spreading the love! As well as adding some links to my own articles (but let's be honest, that's less important than spreading the love)

Monday update #8

Hey! :D
  My Kickstarter updates have now moved over to the Kickstarter so these updates will be a bit shorter. (I'm leaving the longer ones on my Patreon. XD )
  We're now not allowed to use our private mobile phones at work so I am spending my work time plotting my stories instead of listening to books now. XD a lot on the Cinderella remake webcomics and I am also considering doing a couple of visual novels. XD;;
  I have also decided which story I should write for during NaNo this year. :)

Post: Feb 8, 2021


  I've not been around much, I know. I'm sorry.
  Maybe you don't read things like this--heck, maybe you don't even follow me (or haven't until you found yourself in a drunken stupor)...but I felt to write this all the same.
  I'm apologizing for not being in the community more--for not truly taking part in WorldEmber (yes, I did the minimum, but I wanted to do so much more)--and not being there, esPECIALLY for my friends on Discord.
  I've stopped streaming on Twitch (except for special events), switched to YouTube videos and focusing more on writing my novels than anything else.
  ...because I've come to a cross-roads in my life.
  I either have to give my health, work, and family my all, or I may lose them all.
  As much as i want to burn the candles at both ends, I don't get that choice. Not anymore. Oh, don't mistake this for complaining--I'm finding all sorts of blessings in this.
  Moving slower and having to meter out my time because of health has made me sop, think, be deliberate more in my conversations, in my compliments, and in loving my family, friends...and you.
  Yes, you.
  You KNOW I love you, right? It's why I make the things I do.
Because you matter.
  So this short letter is to let you know I'm NOT gone.
  Far from it.
  I check in every day--to see if anyone needs me, to answer questions and to reach out in what little gasp of time I have available.
  I'm also building my world consistently, and will continue to do so day in and day out. WorldAnvil is my creative home.
  Janet and Dimitris know it--and so should you.
  That being said, just know that I miss you, and I will pop in more as I get a grip on my 'challenges'. My family already has me on a special diet, I'm exercising more, and that will make a life-changing difference as time ticks on.
  Oh, a few more things.....


Howling Shadows--book #8 is PUBLISHED!!

It only took 5 years and 4 complete re-writes to get back into the same groove and continue the Chronicles of a Hero series after my break--but it's here!
  Funny thing is--my books average 285 pages.....and this one turned out to be 600 pages!!


After posting roughly 60+ videos on my YouTube channel I was contacted by a popular YouTube channel, asking me why I didn't have audiobooks.
  I didn't have an answer, other than a lack of equipment.
  So they bought me a sweet, new, portable sound studio---NO...STRINGS....ATTACHED!!
  [insert gasps of awe right here]
  So guess what I'm about to start making...?
  That's right....

  I start unboxing and testing the equipment as soon as I publish this post (giggling)!!!
  If you'd like to hear my test run on a few chapters with my old equipment, check out my YouTube channel. =)
  As I said before, I love you--and you MATTER!!
  Have a wonderful week.

Jaime Buckley


World Ember Showcase #8

At long last, I've caught up with all my notifications!! This is another massive showcase because there's just so many to show off. Give these some love and pass them along so they get some more attention.
Item | Jul 31, 2021

The Mountain Birdfolk
Ethnicity | Dec 26, 2020

Rangers of the Reek
Military Formation | Dec 2, 2023

The Rangers of the Reek were an infamous special forces unit in the post-apocalyptic world of Eden.

Shadow Sign
Language | Dec 27, 2020

Robin and the Redheads
Organization | Apr 26, 2023

The band that skyrocketed Robin Gates to international fame, named to poke fun at her ex-boyfriend's love of gingers.

Pari Korpes
Character | Jan 21, 2021

Way of the Woven Leaf
Organization | Dec 27, 2020

An order of wandering monks that seek to expand their knowledge of how Ki flows between and affects living beings.

Enchanting Mesmers
Organization | Jun 3, 2022

A music group in Imbria famous for their abiltiy to couple music with magic

Big Haul
Tradition / Ritual | Dec 27, 2020

Tribes of the Cycle
Ethnicity | Dec 30, 2020

King Tráthúil Slánaitheoir IV
Character | Dec 27, 2020

The last Slánaitheoir King to sit on the throne, and father to Prince Finnlay, who was murdered in his sleep during the First Great Dynastic Shift.

Sky Wolf
Military Formation | Jun 9, 2021

Soldier of the sky that strikes fast and calculated as they descend upon the enemy to complete their tasks

Suna Xander Nul
Character | Jan 21, 2021

Mother Trees
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Mar 5, 2022

D'maryp Evna
Character | Jan 21, 2021

D'maryp Evna grew up from humble beginning but soon united the nation of Tok under the banner of Heironeous. Though after being assassinated, his legend was tarnished and unknown to most, he was afflicted with undeath.

Primrose Whimburrow
Character | Jan 9, 2021

Head Guild Leader - Halfling Liasion

Profession | Dec 27, 2020

Fairy Gecko
Species | Dec 27, 2020

A colorful gecko with wings from the Feywild.

Settlement | Oct 24, 2022

20 Moves to Roc
Tradition / Ritual | Dec 27, 2020

Two player boardgame played with 12 pieces and an island on each side.

Species | Feb 3, 2021

Ethnicity | Jul 11, 2023

Nomadic people native to the South of Anthepandia

Aiyana | Аийяна
Character | May 1, 2021

Tradition / Ritual | Dec 29, 2020

A sport where players use a buckler to bash the ball across a barrier


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Institutions of Learning

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