PHEW, there are 13 more days until the release of my MG/YA book, Inarora's Excursion and I feel like I'm losing my mind lmao. I'm scrambling for content, trying to make content on Bsky and TikTok and phew some days I just want to curl up and cry LOL.
  Anyway, I did some editing of articles last week. I think it was Seri, Dahlnen, and then I made a new article:
Enaros International Politics
Geographic Location | Sep 5, 2024
with the startings of my international relations. I didn't do it before because it wasn't QUITE necessary but as I work on book 2, I'm realizing: oof I have a LOT of international relations that is needed. And I'm even citing these fckers. Granted I haven't found it necessary to cite in articles YET but I have the citations made and ready. (Tell me you graduated college with research and citations beaten into you WITHOUT TELLING ME).
  As y'all saw on Saturday, I have a new universal link. I was not vibing with Booklinker, and I like Books2Read much better
  I also now have my amazon author page FINALLY set up so please consider giving that a follow!
  I got some bit of writing done this week, but I've been bouncing between writing and work and marketing. (It's hard. Send help)
  Anyway, I think that's all the updates I have for this week? I think???
  #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Writer #AnvilWriter #Author #SeraphUpdates