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It was a busy week and I loved it!

This week has been a whirlwind of creativity, learning, and incredible discoveries. I’ve been diving deeper into custom CSS, thanks to the amazing World Anvil community on Discord, who’ve been so helpful in guiding me through the process. Next, I want to invite you to explore some fresh content in my world of Kena'an, where I’ve been working on new lore and expanding the story. Your feedback is always welcome as I continue to build this universe.   I’m also thrilled to share that I’ve begun a new world called Chronicles of Blood. This setting is a tribute to Vampire: The Masquerade- my all time favorite TTRPG. You can meet the world’s narrator, a vampire journalist named Violette Jackson, who has a unique perspective on all the events that unfold. Here is her article:
Violette Jackson
Character | Sep 18, 2024
  Finally, since this platform helped so much get out of a chronic writer's block, I’ve started publishing a manuscript that I’m really excited to share with you all! It’s been a long time coming, and I can’t wait for you to read it and tell me what you think!

Of blood and Judgement

  Wow, that was a long post! I am sorry about that. Before I go, I want to shout out some beautiful articles I’ve read recently by talented creators:  
Generic article | Sep 15, 2024

The component of a person that is a part of the Dream.

by demongrey
Luminary Institute of Performing Arts
Organization | Sep 15, 2024

Learn to sing, dance, and make people believe you meant to fall down the stairs!

by Tillerz
Organization | Sep 17, 2024
by trollpete   Thank you all for your support, inspiration, and the incredible work you share every day! #worldbuilding #author #fantasy #spreadthelove

MIS-POST But neat announcement!

Previous message was uh, definitely not intentionally posted LOL. Sorry.
  Anyway, so last night I logged into my Amazon page and saw I was #9 in Teen/YA Fiction on Disabilities! It's no longer there at #9 but I do have the receipts and I can prove it LOL.
  Anyway, if you would like to support an indie author who writes about being queer and disabled, please consider my debut book, Inarora's Excursion!
  #fantasy #urbanfantasy #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Author #YoungAdult #YA #Teen #teen #youngadult #teenfiction

Updates 9/9

PHEW, there are 13 more days until the release of my MG/YA book, Inarora's Excursion and I feel like I'm losing my mind lmao. I'm scrambling for content, trying to make content on Bsky and TikTok and phew some days I just want to curl up and cry LOL.
  Anyway, I did some editing of articles last week. I think it was Seri, Dahlnen, and then I made a new article:
Enaros International Politics
Geographic Location | Sep 5, 2024
with the startings of my international relations. I didn't do it before because it wasn't QUITE necessary but as I work on book 2, I'm realizing: oof I have a LOT of international relations that is needed. And I'm even citing these fckers. Granted I haven't found it necessary to cite in articles YET but I have the citations made and ready. (Tell me you graduated college with research and citations beaten into you WITHOUT TELLING ME).
  As y'all saw on Saturday, I have a new universal link. I was not vibing with Booklinker, and I like Books2Read much better
  I also now have my amazon author page FINALLY set up so please consider giving that a follow!
  I got some bit of writing done this week, but I've been bouncing between writing and work and marketing. (It's hard. Send help)
  Anyway, I think that's all the updates I have for this week? I think???
  #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Writer #AnvilWriter #Author #SeraphUpdates

Totally random update but important for readers.

I noticed my universal link wouldn't show enough links, because they only did like maybe two or three. Idk how the fuck to work that site for more links, so I've made another universal link with books2read. So if you want to pre-order on OTHER sites, please use this link! Thank you <3
  #author #urbanfantasy #fantasy #writers

Weekly Updates

Good afternoon, friends! I...did not do a WHOLE lot last week that was noteworthy to be quite honest. However, I will say...
  I don't think I have ever talked about it here but I do write Naruto fanfiction I posted the third/fourth chapter of "Castle of Glass" last week, after a few months' hiatus. I'm currently working on a new short story to add to the collection of CHAOS.
  Let's see, what else. There are 20 days left before the release of Inarora's Excursion. I have gotten one ARC reader so far! If you want to be an ARC reader, please consider following my link!; if not, please consider pre-ordering! (Universal:
  I've updated my world meta to show the link to Inarora's Excursion in the footer with a link and the pitch!
  I published a few articles that I'd had locked for a while.
  Other than that...not a lot really happened this week. LOL
  #Writing #Author #DebutAuthor #fantasy #urbanfantasy #YA #youngadult

Updates: both WA and Book

So last week I successfully got my summer camp reading all done, faster than I expected but thankfully done and out of the way.
  Summer Reading Challenge
  At the end of it, I definitely did use it for some self-promo. Sorry, kinda not sorry. LOL.
  I think soon, I'm going to work on more character profiles because I will need them in my next book or two. I especially need to work on Inarora's cousins and Priwen and Damyien more. I need to flesh these disasters out a little more.
  In other news, right now my book is still set to release the 22nd of next month. That's almost a month away! Phew, that's kinda scary if you ask me. I'm THIS close to being a published author and it's creeping up so fast on me. I'm a little panicky, not gonna even lie, but I'll live. I'm always panicky LMAO.
  In other news, both the paperback AND the e-book are available for pre-order! I'm still working on pre-order incentives but I'm gonna try to get those soon.
  Lastly, I was on a live stream last night with two of my friends on YouTube and I had a blast. If you want to hear us ramble on about fanfiction writing as well as our own fanfiction, here is the link:
  #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #fantasy #urbanfantasy #middlegrade #MiddleGrade #Author #debut #book

ARC Call! (Last one for this week, I swear)

It's wild how much stuff I have to post. I'd rather post worldbuilding updates for WA. LOL. But for now, uh I do have an ARC call out right now!
  ✅ Sarcastic Gay Grandpas? ✅ Cat Folk? ✅ Aro/Ace Enby MC? ✅ Doting dad? ✅ Emotional Men? ✅ Disability Rep?
  #ARCReaders #ARCs #fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Author #Fantasy #Writer

eBook pre-orders available!

I fibbed last week when I said I'd try not to post too much about my upcoming book but I did want to let everyone know that the eBooks are available for pre-ordering! I'm working on getting the print book done for pre-orders but for right now, eBooks are ready for pre-order!
  #UrbanFantasy #fantasy #Fantasy #urbanfantasy #ebooks #author #debutauthor

Inarora's Excursion Release Date and Info!

So I've been talking occasionally here about my debut novel, Inarora's Excursion. This book has been 7 years in the making, where I didn't even look at it for about 3-4 years, and I can finally publish it! I'm genuinely very happy about it. I know this site is more about world building than for promotion but I still wanted to make a post. I won't post daily like I do on my socials, but maybe once a week here as a reminder and to update on how it's going.
  So for right now, the release date is September 22, 2024! I'm getting it set up on IngramSpark (and having a conniption fit every single day). Working on getting it ready for pre-order, but sadly I've been fighting with Ingram all week about the cover template and I haven't had much luck.
  Follow my GoodReads and add Ina's Excursion to your "want to read" so you can be notified when it comes out!
  I am DEFINITELY looking into pre-order goodies. I'm thinking stickers. Maybe bookmarks but I don't know yet? Maybe prints also. I want to do some raffles, too.
  Anyway, thank you for staying through this ramble!
  #UrbanFantasy #Fantasy #Author #Writing

Inarora's Excursion; Need Help

Welp I might be getting my manuscript back sooner than expected, but the problem is that I'm still working on fixing my car up so I can't pay my editor for their services right now. Please consider donating to my ko-fi so I can pay my editor and get Inarora on track for publishing!
  #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Author #Artist #Struggling

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

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