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Updates 9/9

PHEW, there are 13 more days until the release of my MG/YA book, Inarora's Excursion and I feel like I'm losing my mind lmao. I'm scrambling for content, trying to make content on Bsky and TikTok and phew some days I just want to curl up and cry LOL.
  Anyway, I did some editing of articles last week. I think it was Seri, Dahlnen, and then I made a new article:
Enaros International Politics
Geographic Location | Sep 5, 2024
with the startings of my international relations. I didn't do it before because it wasn't QUITE necessary but as I work on book 2, I'm realizing: oof I have a LOT of international relations that is needed. And I'm even citing these fckers. Granted I haven't found it necessary to cite in articles YET but I have the citations made and ready. (Tell me you graduated college with research and citations beaten into you WITHOUT TELLING ME).
  As y'all saw on Saturday, I have a new universal link. I was not vibing with Booklinker, and I like Books2Read much better
  I also now have my amazon author page FINALLY set up so please consider giving that a follow!
  I got some bit of writing done this week, but I've been bouncing between writing and work and marketing. (It's hard. Send help)
  Anyway, I think that's all the updates I have for this week? I think???
  #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Writer #AnvilWriter #Author #SeraphUpdates

Seraph's Weekly Update!

Weekly updates! Been trudging along with Inarora 2. Trying to get back into the groove after being knocked off it badly a bit ago. I'm doing pretty good, averaging about 400 something words a day. least just the past few days it's been my average. I'm gonna try to focus more on it this week.
  Did one article that I needed to do anyway, tbh, and I honestly love the route he took as I began characterizing him. Ei'rah al-Kanneyeh is loosely based off my poor interpretation of a former friend's character, which they complained massively about, so I decided, "Well I like my interpretation, so fine I'll take my interpretation and go since they don't like it." And the way Ei'rah bloomed as I wrote out his story was amazing, not gonna lie. Also, finally, I have a character with a beard LOL. That was desperately needed lmao.
  Read more about al-Kanneyeh here!
Captain al-Kanneyeh
Character | Aug 24, 2024

  I've been in struggling to promote mode with my release LOL. I'm like trying to get Inarora out there with very little success not gonna lie. But if anyone is curious, I do have a BookSiren ARC page for Inarora's Excursion if anyone is interested!
  In writing/world-building unrelated news, I went to a con this weekend and got to meet Jiraiya's voice actor, and I got him to sign the drawing I made of Jiraiya and my Naruto OC, Tsukiya. Unfortunately I forgot to let it dry before storing it in my portfolio buuuuut oh well, I still know what was written on it LOL. And I mean the signature is still there just a liiiiiitle messy. Spent more money than I meant to though but oh well, worth it.
  Anyway, I think that's all I've got for y'all this week? Stay safe, my friends.
  #InarorasExcursion #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #fantasy #urbanfantasy #SeraphUpdates

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