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Post-Summer Camp in the Owlworks!

by Strixxline
The dust has settled, and the jaws and claws of the feral sovereign have served their purpose... DIAMOND has been achieved! Cheer has been spread! and thus, the reading takes over...  

Hard-Fought Diamond

I can't overstate how proud I am of myself for keeping up with my diamond goal this year! It was a tough month, full of setbacks, illnesses, and hectic schedules. Low energy all around, and a shortage of time... it's a wonder I was able to do as much as I did! I have the community to thank for that, I think. Whether it's the regulars who join me in my writing streams, or the lovely beans who live in the SummerCamp channel on the Discord server, all of the encouraging voices sure kept me feeling like I could make it through, no matter what tried to hold me back!   In the end, I achieved less than I originally set out to do, but I didn't spare a lick of stress over that fact. I earned the badge I yearned for, and it came to me in a place of joy and fun! What more could I ask for? It's just a shame that most of my article editing will have to wait until after the awards ceremony.  

New World Love

This was my first year running through a major event with more than one world at my disposal! My ability to jump between realms to find the perfect fit for each prompt added a whole new element of fun that I never got to experience before! I can't wait to turn many of the new articles that spawned during Summer Camp into fleshed out concepts and ideas to bring some proper life to Ayun Sovos!   New art is coming soon for my bright new world! Plus, a new installment of the Path to Adventure prose series that I kicked off the world with! Come tune in this Saturday on Twitch to see the art being wrapped up! :D  
  My progress bars for the event have been updated! This was such a cute visual for my event completion :) I invite you to give my articles a visit!   Much love from your Feral Sovereign, Strixxline
SummerCamp 2024 | Two-Realm Journey!
Generic article | Aug 19, 2024

#SummerCamp #TheOwlworks #SummmerCamp2024 #SharetheLove #CampFeral #DewyDiamonds

SummerCamp Update from the Owlworks!

by Strixxline
What a journey these past few weeks have been! We're halfway through Summer Camp and I sit boldly at a hard-fought copper — 10 whole articles! Were this any other year, I'd be badgering myself to pick up the pace and race race race for diamond; that's not to say I strive for anything less, still, but I'm taking a moment to be proud of the progress I've made, in spite of my present circumstances.  

What's been going on?

Since the start of Summer Camp, and all the way to even now, I've been fighting with some back-to-back illnesses and infections which haven't decided to show any sign of letting up (until now! fingers crossed). Nothing overly serious, mind you, so have no fear — but definitely enough to stall my progress, and shove aside any desire to sit down and get work done. As much as I wanted to bring my absolute feral best to the table, my feral presence was definitely being beaten back pretty hard by how sick I've been lately.   I'm so grateful that I was able to spend some time with the community over on Twitch smashing some prompts, and really letting that feral energy take over what's been, thus far, a tough Summer Camp for me to get rolling. We went from one prompt submitted to 10 in just one stream! I made the jump from feeling down about my progress, not knowing if I'd manage to reach my goal this year, to being proud of the words I've put together, and optimistic about my prospective journey to diamond.  

What's next?

Well, we're pushing for those badges, of course! All of the love and support from friends in the community has helped me maintain the chill mindset, and I'm happy to be pushing forward despite the obstacles set before me with excitement in my heart, rather than stress. We had an amazing Feral Friday this week, reading some stellar submissions from SC wave 1 — and I'll be hunting for more submissions from wave 2 to feature this Friday, so reach out if you've got a favorite you want to be featured on stream this week!   No plague is going to stop me from being feral! It won't stop me from achieving diamond! And it won't stop me from sharing my Summer Camp love and hype with the community! Let's make some awesome stuff over the next few weeks (and maybe keep it going after that?) :)   Much love from your Feral Sovereign, Strixxline
#SummerCamp #TheOwlworks #SummmerCamp2024 #SharetheLove #CampFeral #DewyDiamonds  

The Final Feral Friday Stream Approaches!

I'll be doing the final Feral Friday reading stream of the SummerCamp season this Friday, at 10AM EST over on my Twitch channel! Isn't it spooky how time flies while you're having fun worldbuilding?  

Send me your favorite DIAMOND-WAVE article to read on stream!

Once again, your articles need not be in-depth or beautifully formatted. We're here for the sharing of ideas, and if you're excited about your writing, I'm even more excited to share it with everyone!  

For now, might I interest you in the gold showcase from last week?

Feral Fridays 2023 | Golden Relics of Worldbuilding
Generic article | Jul 15, 2024

Showcasing Gold-wave articles read on stream during Feral Friday 2023!

  Much love to you all! I hope to see some of your lovely articles come my way, and hope to see you on Friday!
#SummerCamp2023 #SummerCamp #CampFeral #FeralFridays

Feral Fridays Copper Showcase! Seeking Submissions for Silver!

We had an awesome stream for Feral Friday: Copper Edition, and I put together an article showing some of the wonderful works that were sent my way! Please have a look at them and share some likes and love in their comments!  
Feral Fridays 2023 | The Power of Copper
Generic article | Jul 16, 2024

Showcasing Copper-wave articles read on stream during Feral Friday 2023!

Send me silver-wave articles to read on stream!

Open to any and all articles, short or long, polished or simple. If you have writing and ideas you're excited for, I'll be happy to share them live on Twitch Friday, at 10AM EST!
#SummerCamp2023 #SummerCamp #CampFeral #FeralFridays

Feral Fridays! Send me articles to read!

My stream schedule for the week is posted, and I'm looking for articles to read during my Friday streams: FERAL FRIDAYS!
If you've submitted articles to SummerCamp, send me your favorite(s) and I'll feature them on Friday!
Comment here, or share with me directly on Discord (user: line)! Remember to only submit articles that are part of the current week's wave!   I'll be so excited to see you at the streams too, if you're able to make it!   (This week, Feral Friday is an evening stream (because I have to work that day) but, the rest of the month, they should be morning streams!)
#SummerCamp2023 #SummerCamp #FeralFridays #CampFeral

It's A Feral Sort of Saturday (at least for me)!

Camp Feral Badge by Strixxline


When's the last time you went through the Open Suggestions?

Dimi and the team really do listen to our feedback and implement the features that we want to use. Sometimes with great mathematical acrobatics that defy conventional problem-solving. In my quarter century of internet experience, I've only met one other dev team that was as into community participation as WA -- and that was the dev team I used to work with, LOL!

If you're looking for a way to give back to the community, but don't know where to start, this is always a good place!

I'm experiencing a high-energy, high-pleasantness morning, which is why I'm in a #CampFeral mood! Rawr! I get to tune in to the entire stream later, instead of having to do so while I'm at work, and I'm so looking forward to to jumping in with both feet.

How is your Summer Camp Prep coming along? Are you caught up on weeks 1 and 2, or are you playing it cool until the last minute? Or do you plan to just wing it when July rolls in, prep be damned?!


Hot off the press - How to twist troublesome prompts (with examples)!

I've just posted a new blog post this morning ready for summer camp!
  So you've been challenged to answer a worldbuilding prompt and you feel like you can't answer it. You feel stuck, annoyed, and maybe have had one of these responses: "I cant answer that because...":
    • world is a different genre."
    • world doesn't have/use XYZ."
    • ...I've already written about that."
    • ...I don't like that topic/template."
    • ...I really can't think of anything."
    • ...the prompt is too vague/boring."
    • ...the prompt is overly specific."
    • ...that prompt should be for a different article template."

  I get it, and I've absolutely felt all of these as an initial gut reaction at some point in my 5+ years of taking part in World Anvil community challenges xD
  I'm going to show you some very specific prompts and explain how you can twist them to suit your worldbuilding and make it interesting to you so that you can tackle them!
  In this post I'll show you how to tackle any tricky worldbuilding prompts! Un-boring them! Twist the meaning of them! Bend the rules! CONQUER THE PROMPTS!
  Okay I might be a little bit excited for the summer camp prompts xD #CampFeral
  Let me know if I missed any examples and I'll update the post to cover it :D

Take the Challenge

Institutions of Learning

How do people learn in your world?

Suggest an article to be featured