I successfully did 16 articles this year! I was worried I wouldn't and then I just decided on a wildcard and said 'fuck it, let's go'. I would have done one sooner than last minute, but it's been an extremely rough week.
  However, before I go into my last articles, I want to share good news! I am setting the date for publishing Inarora's Excursion to be September 22, 2024. So I'm going to be a published author in a little over a month and a half! I'll make a few other posts about it later on.
  Anyway, last few articles hath arrived! I do apologize, I don't have much to really say about any of these articles but I am trying lol.
Anti-Cavity Salve
Technology / Science | Jul 30, 2024
This was kind of inspired by the knowledge that we COULD have a cavity vaccine but they won't let it happen. Which honestly, I could use that vaccine but...anyway...here's the Anti-Cavity Salve LOL.
Illusion Tags
Technology / Science | Jul 30, 2024
Illusion Tags. I'm sorry, not sorry, but they were inspired by Naruto. I just thought it was a neat idea. And ofc I took my own creative liberties.
Made With Love or Hate
Myth | Aug 3, 2024
Last one, made with love or hate. Idk, I just threw this together. But it is a very interesting concept so I figured, why the hell not?
  Anyway, thank you all for the love you've given my articles this month. Good luck to the other competitors out there. :)
  #SummerCamp2024 #SummerCamp #summercamp #summercamp2024 #urbanfantasy #fantasy #UrbanFantasy #Publishing