Phew! I set out to join my first #SummerCamp with 8 prompts completed and instead rallied for 24 completed articles! This having been my first writing "assignment" in years, I really enjoyed having quick, specific goals available to achieve. It has really changed the way I will be approaching a lot of my creative endeavors moving forward, which is definitely the biggest victory from this month.
  I'm quite proud of what I've put together in these articles. I touched on various subjects I wouldn't normally hit on my own, and it has brought the land of Dendralis so much more to life! The fact that I created imagery for nearly all of these articles (some cover images were used for multiple articles), only adds to the quality of this output. I also dabbled in some minor formatting for the first time that I think really helped with the longer 'wall of text' articles.
  With that said, I'll include a few of my favorite articles below, along with my hub page that lists every article written for summer camp. Best of luck to everyone finishing up! I'm going to take some time off before Saturday's stream and the launch of the Reading Challenge.
Summer Camp 2024
Generic article | Aug 8, 2024

The Separation
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Aug 12, 2024

Character | Aug 1, 2024

Military Conflict | Sep 3, 2024

Turtles Without Their Shells
Myth | Aug 1, 2024

Organization | Aug 1, 2024

Talamus Wynned
Character | Aug 1, 2024

  #SummerCamp2024 #Terramora #TheDudeAbides