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Updates: both WA and Book

So last week I successfully got my summer camp reading all done, faster than I expected but thankfully done and out of the way.
  Summer Reading Challenge
  At the end of it, I definitely did use it for some self-promo. Sorry, kinda not sorry. LOL.
  I think soon, I'm going to work on more character profiles because I will need them in my next book or two. I especially need to work on Inarora's cousins and Priwen and Damyien more. I need to flesh these disasters out a little more.
  In other news, right now my book is still set to release the 22nd of next month. That's almost a month away! Phew, that's kinda scary if you ask me. I'm THIS close to being a published author and it's creeping up so fast on me. I'm a little panicky, not gonna even lie, but I'll live. I'm always panicky LMAO.
  In other news, both the paperback AND the e-book are available for pre-order! I'm still working on pre-order incentives but I'm gonna try to get those soon.
  Lastly, I was on a live stream last night with two of my friends on YouTube and I had a blast. If you want to hear us ramble on about fanfiction writing as well as our own fanfiction, here is the link:
  #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #fantasy #urbanfantasy #middlegrade #MiddleGrade #Author #debut #book

Macabre and Monstrous is available now!

Macabre and Monstrous

A Horror Anthology of Eldritch Space, Myth Monsters & Forest Frights
  Available now in digital and paperback!   Are you looking for some spooky short stories to get you through this Halloween? Cosmic, folk, or fantasy, there’s horror for everyone in Macabre and Monstrous! Emily Armstrong, K. S. Bishoff (Dazzlinkat), and Sapha Burnell (Usurperkings), the hosts of We Aren’t Dead Yet, have come together to release their first anthology: a chilling collection of scary short stories from our WorldAnvil worlds! You can find more info about these worlds at Eldrispace, Pangorio, and Judge of Mystics.   #WAauthor #WADY #horror #booklaunch  
  “They were amalgamations of the forbidden - biomechanical flesh crafted and cloned out of pure insanity. Twisted blends of mechanical limbs and grotesque organic matter writhed in torment, their forms contorted in an obscene dance of agony.”
Fell Plumes, Emily Armstrong   “Gulping down a tumbler of Colm's whiskey, Carolee looked to the margarine container sitting in a bowl of ice, glad she paid attention in her Anatomy readings. Apparent after the fact, butchery and surgery ought not have been separate motions, the muscle memory to cleave meat off bone and separate ribs from their connective points wasn't so far off from a pig.”
Whiskey and Sinner’s Blood, Sapha Burnell   “Aichil was not a demon with patience. His host tree, however, had patience in every woody fiber. He had been tempted to abandon it for another human host but its power was potent. It was beyond anything he felt before. It was too intoxicating to abandon. With it, he would build an empire.”
Harvest of Horror, K.S. Bishoff (Dazzlinkat)   “Warning klaxons blared in his ears as the impact ruptured his suit's left leg. Oxygen hissed out in a plume of vapor, mingling with his panicked breaths. His trembling claws fumbled with the emergency repair kit, trying to patch and seal the breach. Each second felt like an eternity as the frigid void of space threatened to claim him.”
Salvager’s Loop, Emily Armstrong   “The night broke with the snuffling, raw bellow of the Lamia's hunting call. No more cooes of feminine lust, nor the deep throated laughter of a woman on the prowl for the slake of her sensuous desires. Once the Lamia realized Caleb would not be turned to her bed, vixen begat venom.”
The Lamia, Sapha Burnell

Some Book News!

Taking a break from posting about WorldEmber to post about my latest book and how it's doing!   I'm generally very bad at promoting anything, from my WA articles to my actual-dactual published novels. I'm trying to get better at that, so here we go!   Black Bird, Blue Road is my latest published novel. It released in September of this year, and is a historical fantasy novel about a girl named Ziva trying to save her brother, Pesah, from his advancing, severe leprosy. She overhears her parents talking about sending him to a leper colony, and when Pesah has a vision that the Angel of Death will collect him on Rosh Hashanah, a month away, the two run away to try to find a cure. On the way, they meet a half-demon who tells them about the city of Luz, where the Angel of Death isn't allowed, and the three go on a medieval road trip across Eurasia to find it.   Well, since September, a lot of people have read this book, and a lot of them have liked it. A lot. They've liked it so much, in fact, that it keeps popping up on best-of lists. O_O I've collected all the ones I'm aware of, and it's just wow. Kinda wild. My book about death and desserts is resonating with people, and it feels very nice!   Here is my list so far!
1. #book/book-2">Publishers Weekly Best Books of 2022
2. 101 Great Books for Kids
3. School Library Journal's Heavy Medal Early Six
4. Newbery Winner's Top Five Books of 2022
5. Tablet Magazine Best Jewish Children's Books of 2022
6. Kirkus Reviews Best Books of 2022
7. The Horn Book Fanfare 2022 Booklist   Have a good summer,

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