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Weekly Updates

Good afternoon, friends! I...did not do a WHOLE lot last week that was noteworthy to be quite honest. However, I will say...
  I don't think I have ever talked about it here but I do write Naruto fanfiction I posted the third/fourth chapter of "Castle of Glass" last week, after a few months' hiatus. I'm currently working on a new short story to add to the collection of CHAOS.
  Let's see, what else. There are 20 days left before the release of Inarora's Excursion. I have gotten one ARC reader so far! If you want to be an ARC reader, please consider following my link!; if not, please consider pre-ordering! (Universal:
  I've updated my world meta to show the link to Inarora's Excursion in the footer with a link and the pitch!
  I published a few articles that I'd had locked for a while.
  Other than that...not a lot really happened this week. LOL
  #Writing #Author #DebutAuthor #fantasy #urbanfantasy #YA #youngadult

Updates: both WA and Book

So last week I successfully got my summer camp reading all done, faster than I expected but thankfully done and out of the way.
  Summer Reading Challenge
  At the end of it, I definitely did use it for some self-promo. Sorry, kinda not sorry. LOL.
  I think soon, I'm going to work on more character profiles because I will need them in my next book or two. I especially need to work on Inarora's cousins and Priwen and Damyien more. I need to flesh these disasters out a little more.
  In other news, right now my book is still set to release the 22nd of next month. That's almost a month away! Phew, that's kinda scary if you ask me. I'm THIS close to being a published author and it's creeping up so fast on me. I'm a little panicky, not gonna even lie, but I'll live. I'm always panicky LMAO.
  In other news, both the paperback AND the e-book are available for pre-order! I'm still working on pre-order incentives but I'm gonna try to get those soon.
  Lastly, I was on a live stream last night with two of my friends on YouTube and I had a blast. If you want to hear us ramble on about fanfiction writing as well as our own fanfiction, here is the link:
  #Fantasy #UrbanFantasy #fantasy #urbanfantasy #middlegrade #MiddleGrade #Author #debut #book

eBook pre-orders available!

I fibbed last week when I said I'd try not to post too much about my upcoming book but I did want to let everyone know that the eBooks are available for pre-ordering! I'm working on getting the print book done for pre-orders but for right now, eBooks are ready for pre-order!
  #UrbanFantasy #fantasy #Fantasy #urbanfantasy #ebooks #author #debutauthor

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