Summer Reading Challenge

Summer Camp 2024 Recap

First of all, let's recap Summer Camp 2024. I pledged to make silver, and I did! I did 16 articles in all, which was my goal. I almost didn't make it. The entire month of July was chaotic and I also have a full-time job, compared to last year when I didn't. The last week in of itself was perhaps the hardest week, because I was dealing with fallout from a friendship breakup and also stressing about getting my manuscript back. Thankfully, I was able to on Thursday when I got my paycheck. But finally on Saturday, I went in there and I said, "I need my last article." and I bullshat it from there.

In that news, I uh. I have a publication date set for September 22, 2024 for my novel Inarora's Excursion. I am in the last month and a half to get it ready, so I'm going to be doing some slow reading while I'm working on my publication stuff because that does take precidence right now.


If you are interested in reading my articles at all, I have them all organized here: Summer Camp 2024 I think. I tried to organize them in here, anyway. I may be missing an article or two but I'm too tired to figure that out. Lol.


Summer Camp Reading Challenge

My apologies in advance, I am being very slow about reading while I'm prepping for my book launch. I will have ten articles here, though. I'm just...phew. Also no there is no method to my madness. Just accept it LOL.

Ethnicity | Jul 6, 2024
by Rori. I love Rori's articles. Xe always goes into the details of whatever xe is writing about—as deep as xe can. This article isn't any different! That history of the Agiahluhi? Amazing. I love how the elves took pity on them and allowed them to make a home at Crossroads tbh.
The Great City of Pangu Fortress
Building / Landmark | Jul 16, 2024
by Desdemona Rose. Genuinely a sucker for architecture, and I liked the comparison they made with the Fujian Tulou tbh. Also I like how it's a home for the Council Members and the rest of the homes being given out with a lottery system. I think that's kinda neat.
The Legend of the Everfruit
Myth | Jul 13, 2024
by Carolyn McBride. There's a lot to this myth, and the story about Eldrin's journey to seek it out is honestly really neat. Like I told the author, I think if you are that bound and determined and you get through those obstacles, I think you might be worthy. Maybe.
Geran's Exiles
Ethnicity | Aug 2, 2024
by Travakh. First of all, that first section with the except? Adorable. I can't. That was just so cute. The details involved as well are great. Like the culture, how there's not as much known about the sermons, and how the dude had enough charisma (I guess?) to even gather up enemies into his religion. That's kinda neat. Overall I really liked the little details in their article.
The Prophecy of a Sundered Realm: Aliria’s Twilight Reckoning
Myth | Jul 30, 2024
by Aeuvex. I love this concept of an apocalypse. The three phases, all of which are really cool no matter which way you look at it. Celestial events all work together to rebirth the realm? And it's a reminder of the cyclical nature of existence. I think occasionally we all need that reminder, not gonna lie.
Ethnicity | Jul 31, 2024
by Charlotte Tara. It's essentially prose, and it reads kind of like a journal almost? or like someone telling it as a story? Maybe a bit of both? I'm not sure but I thought that was really neat. And I was sucked in pretty quickly while reading it.
'A Sre'án
Settlement | Aug 3, 2024
by Kveldulfr83. This one is really interesting, I especially like the thing where they have to keep a constant population at around 300 people. Idk why I just find that rather interesting, personally!
Webbed Forest
Geographic Location | Aug 2, 2024
by Lauren. I love the details of the forest, it sounds spooky as hell and I love it. Though I'm not entirely sure I want to run into the spooders! Also, the glow dogs? Adorbs. They're all good boys and girls. I want to boop one on the snoot and give 'em a treat.
Condition | Jul 23, 2024
by HippieDrillSgt. I actually already read this one last month, but I really liked it and wanted to include it. Genuinely, why does it need to be said to NOT SUMMON DEMONS. Don't mess with things you don't understand, people! Anyway, I think with this one I liked that although it was short and sweet, I still had a clear picture of what was going on. Sometimes, being wordy doesn't help! (I can ramble on and on in my articles...)
Item | Aug 2, 2024
by . To be honest, I think I'd be willing to try those. What I learned was like...idk, I know that was one I wanted to do but couldn't think of anything for. If I had written the article, I could have done like different types of that food. That could've helped instead of thinking of only ONE simple thing, just come up with the general kind and then have different types of that. Might've helped me a little better.

World Building goals and plans

Well right now, because I'm in the midst of working on the launch of Inarora's Excursion, I don't intend to do much worldbuilding right this second. However, I do aim to work on Enaros again for WorldEmber. For worldbuilding in general, though, I think a lot of what I need to do is some character development itself. Character articles specifically.

Other Goals

I plan to continue to grow my art and my audiences. I plan to continue to get better at drawing and I plan to work on Inarora book 2! I can't wait to see what else I do. :)

Shameless self-promo
sorry not sorry. Well, kinda sorry.

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Like building a house of cards, magic requires precision and control.

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Fate of Enaros

A cover for Inarora's Excursion featuring Kaedan and Inarora
by Rori
Inarora Beservera is sent into the past where she meets her great-grandfathers and her father and grandfather have to fight to bring her home.
Inarora's Excursion (GoodReads); Universal Link


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