Phew I'm almost done. I have five more articles to write and I gotta think about which ones I am gonna do.
  Anyway, here are the three I've gotten done since the last time I posted:
Armored Rawhendianti
Species | Jul 18, 2024
I dunno what to say about this one honestly. This guy probably never makes an appearance in my book LOL.
Destroyer of Enaros
Myth | Jul 29, 2024
This one might be my favorite for the sheer fact that this myth exists about my MC, Inarora, who literally wouldn't even hurt a fly. She is just the sweetest person ever and loves cuddling with her father(s and mom). She feels awful when she accidentally hurts a bug or animal, or even a plant! Shit, she feels awful when she knocks a plushie off her bed because she can't sleep normally. So it's funny that this myth even exists and literally every person who knows her is like, "LOL what?"
Dusk Plague
Condition | Jul 28, 2024
Lastly this is actually an article I've procrastinated on writing because I just didn't feel like it/I didn't feel like I had the right inspiration for it yet. But this is such a big thing because this is what killed the dragons that it needed to get written. So yippee! I got that done finally.
  And I will work out the last five articles at some point soon. I'll get there. Eventually.
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