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Session 3 Report

General Summary

The Birth Of The Knights of Chaos

Rewards Granted

Shady affairs

Reward:   - 20 gold each, 10 gold extra per person, if they managed to capture at least 1 smuggler The party captured 9=90 gold + 40 gold each for killing a smuggler leautinant. - 300 exp - Better reputation with the Gondolian Navy - Better reputation in town - 1 x Red crystal Shard  

Hunting for boars

  Rewards:   - 100 exp - 40 gold + 10 gold per boar - Players get to keep the boar pelts - Better reputation with the Gondolian Kingdom
  • Wand of summoning (Ice Mephit)
  • Missions/Quests Completed

    All Fishtown quests are completed!

    Character(s) interacted with

  • The Black Spider
  • Mistryn Bronzebeard
  • Tyryl Bronzebeard
  • Captain William Twitch
  • Jack Dawson
  • Related Reports

    Session 1 Report Session 2 Report


    After being banished from Jimmy the Hobos hideout, only Garreth and Djack remains in the party. Erdan has mysteriously disappared. But the party finally reunites with Hethress in the markets. The story of what happened to Hethress since he dissapared the last time was finally explained. Apparently he woke up in the middle of the woods, just west of Fishtown , after having a strange dream. It seemed he had been sleeping for two days! The party decided to finish the quest On the hunt for boars , where they find out that an ice elemental and a group of ice mephits are the ones behind the destruction of the crops, and killing of animals around Fishtown. They defeat the ice elemental, and it seemes as all returns to normal. After this, the party decides to finally deal with Shady affairs of The Fishtown Smugglers . The party tracks down the smugglers and finds a smugglers hideout in a cave by some cliffs on the coast north of Fishtown. This is Garreths time to shine, as he and his party masterfully manages to take out and restrain 9 smugglers (apparantly, according to Heathress, using fresh salmon is a great way to gag someone), before heading into the hideout and killing every last smuggler they can find, including the notorious Black Spider, the leader of the smugglers. In doing so ending the smugglers business in Fishtown by sending in The Gondolian Navy. The party also discovered that The Fishtown Smugglers are a branch of The Neverseen Cutthroats. After this the party, now going under the name The Knights of Chaos gets to celebrate on Captain William Twitchs ship, The Interceptor. And this is where our story continous next time...

    Legacy of the elements

    Garreth Mcsmallfry

    Level 4 halfling, lightfoot chaos neutral rouge/assasin
    29 / 29 HP

    Djack Ocean

    Level 4 Half-elf Chaotic neutral Sorcerer
    / 27 HP
    Report Date
    01 Sep 2019
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location

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