Session 6: Silver-tongued Merchants of the Ohon

General Summary

The party knew that everyone needed rest and no more than Geoff, but they had little time to waste. They knew that something was stirring in the ruins of the north but they hadn't the time to scout ahead yet. So with the group well rested and orders were given to begin the building of walls they set out again.       By the next day and a half, they arrived once again by the gatehouse to discover the morning fog had yet to lift from the area. This was the chance they needed in order to explore without being seen. The ranger being the best suited for this gathered her belongings and disappeared into the fog with a sprite floating beside her. The dense fog didn't make things easy for her but it did keep anything else from seeing her. After exploring the area and arriving at a nearly intact section of the walls she began to explore the ruined building.        As she crept around a corner she saw a grand dining hall, it was exposed to the elements but still had some roof to provide some shade. Among the seats, she saw many statue-like bodies placed at the table. Each was either made to look like it was sitting down to eat or was haphazardly placed within the seating area. All along the table were many plates and fine dinnerwear, much of them made from white gold and encrusted with green jewels. But at the head of the table was the most startling thing, a moving skeletal being draped with fine magical silks that might have belonged to a feminine noble. The silk although magically protected from time was still showing rips and wholes. The being seemed to be speaking to the statues as if in a friendly manner, almost as if speaking to honored guests.       The ranger wanting nothing to do with this made a retreat back toward the gatehouse and her companions. As she carefully made her way back the flash of green light down the old ruin roads alerted her to others within the ruins. Making haste she escaped the ruins as she barely made out a patrol of skeletal guardsmen traveling past where she was just at.      After the group was informed of the many odd and unnatural things going on within the ruins a debate was started on what to do. Those who wanted to return to the settlement won out over those who wished to take the fight to the undead of the ruins. By the second day, they arrived home and began to make plans to acquire more supplies from Castiel's Landing. After setting out to the landing along the forest route and two via the river to acquire the boat at Wreak of the Taihō-maru, they told those who remain to continue to work on the walls as the danger was all around the settlement.        The next few days were thankfully uneventful as they traveled both by land and by water to Castiel's Landing. Once everyone had arrived the group began to search for goods at the sparsely populated market. After acquiring enough supplies and recruiting ten people to join the settlement they set off.

Character(s) interacted with

Charybdis & Scylla: Wonders of the New World

Aldric Merrion

Geoffrey Whalerman

Neutral Human (Fisher)
Fighter 3
28 / 28 HP

Broderick Beauregard

True Neutral Human ()
Druid 3
24 / 24 HP

Lord Darius Clay

Report Date
31 Jul 2021

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