Session 27: Welcome Home Report

General Summary

You finally have arrived at what will presumably be your home for the forseeable future, Port Blackwater. You were greeted by the bright lights of the city which welcomed you as your ship sailed into the cove. It seems as though a lot of the docking facilities in the city are nicely advanced as the lights on the docks signaled you towards where to dock. Upon docking, you were met by the Dock Martin who informed you it was 1sp a day to dock your ship. Vivienne paid for the first week up front. The Dock Martin also asked for where to find you should you stay for longer, and you were unsure how to answer. Luckily your new Majordomo, Timothy Owliphant, was able to fill in the gaps.   After dealing with the authorities, Timothy introduced himself informed you that he had purchased an old Hennessey Factory; which is apparently haunted. He then proceeded to give you a quick tour of the Dock district as Magnum Opus had been interested in getting some food. You made your way to 6th street, and were greeted by the busiest street you had ever seen line with taverns on either side.   You found a tavern called Cheers which seemed oddly quiet compared to the rest of the establishments you had walked past. While inside you were given meals which reminded you of your childhood and spoke with the presumed proprietor Lorne. Lorne seemed to know a great deal about each of you which Moe Boom determined was an effect of the Legend Lore spell which hit you as you walked in. The conversation with Lorne was positive, and after about an hour; the bar turned into a Bro-bar around you. GwyNyx  and Vivenne stole some drinks, and you met some "Yaaaas" girls who seemed to be the only other females in the bar on "Ladies Night." Feeling full, you left the bar and made your way back to your ship.   Along the way you noticed that there were a few fights that had broken out. Each time, the participants imbibed healing potions they had apparently been given by Big Pharma. There were several stalls setup by BP and Liberty Mutual Insurance which advertised a special where signing up for insurance granted access to 1 free healing potion a week. There were some doomsayers touting the evil intent of BP and LMI which you walked past on your way to where you were staying for the evening. In the morning, you met up with Timothy who had rented a cart for the day to move your goods to the Warehouse. He took you through the city which took around half an hour, but you finally arrived at The Haunted Hennessey Factory.

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