Session 22: Dealings in the Dark Report

General Summary

Negotiations with the Wachooti did not go to plan, and so you tracked down their village to see if you could find more information about what happened. You saw their civilization was apparently thriving, with their Seer meeting with members of Big Pharma . Vivienne decided that having a conversation would be the best way learn things. Her and Gwyn  approached the village and turned themselves in voluntarily. This did not go over well as they were stopped at the gate and hostilities immediately followed.   The fight broke out and there was a Lightning storm, some war wolves let loose, and some elevation shenanigans. At some point, Gwynn, Artemis Sindarin, and Vivienne had been knocked unconscious; but they managed to catch a second wind or receive healing and continue the fight. Vivienne continued trying to have a conversation in the midst of battle, but Lord Rick d'Astley insisted that you were all supposed to be deceased. Moe Boom finally whipped out his Eldritch Cannon and introduced the indigenous to the concept of superior firepower (he blew up a goblin).   Eventually you claimed victory! The rest of the combatants have either surrendered or fled.

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