Session 5: Questions and Answers Report

General Summary

We picked up where we had left off in the library.  Quinn checked out a book about animals.  They had dinner and questioned Jessica about Clarice.  Jessica reveals that Clarice had been insecure after the stories of Peter and Quinn's success in battle.  She reveals how odd it was that they were able to survive and that the monsters themselves were acting strange in their behavior around Quinn and Peter i.e. the Gnoll planned a trap for them when they normally just track their scent to find and immediately attack demigods.  It was also odd that three monsters were willing to get so close to Haven to try to attack them as well.  Jessica also mentioned that she had felt incapable of preventing herself from acting on those feelings.  She also explains that the gods sometimes fight through their children to prevent the incredible damage that would result from the gods fighting each other.  Jessica informs them that Colin had been tasked with looking after Clarice and preventing further confrontations now that Peter will be living in the Ares building.    They went to the Hermes building to get Peter's things and found that their beds had been taken along with Peter's socks.  Peter investigates and with Doug's help discovers that Eugene was behind the theft.  They moved Peter into the Ares building while Doug dealt with Eugene.  Peter has a nice two bedroom apartment to himself.  This is much bigger than his place back in San Jose.  Colin is Peter's next door neighbor.  He showed Peter to the gym which has state of the art equipment and leader boards for each piece equipment which shows who has done the best with them i.e. how much each resident can lift.  Clarice is at the top of most of these leaderboards.  They parted ways and Quinn found that Doug had retrieved her bed and was working on securing it in place so that it could not be removed again.  Quinn's suite-mates were also helping.  Doug was distraught that the sheets might be stolen in the future, so he decided to go to Hazel for help in the morning.  Quinn read he book and learned that caterpillars and butterflies often represent transformation.  She also found that birds represent freedom.  Most of the book was about the biology of animals.   The next morning Quinn went with Doug to get help from Hazel.  She brought a whole host of magic users to the Hermes building to ward all of the rooms and closets.  Quinn went with them.  She spoke with Eugene who revealed he had taken her bed as a prank and that it had been left on the roof.  He apologized and turned invisible when she asked him to show her some magic.  The warding was successful, so nothing can be removed from a room without the owner's permission.  Pockets can still be picked in the halls.   Peter had an awkward moment with Colin and Clarice when he ran into them in the gym.  He left to avoid a confrontation and sought out Liam.  Liam examined Peter's shield.  He took Peter with him to the library to go to the workshop in the basement.  He revealed that the workshop was mainly his idea (Jessica helped) and that it is still being expanded.  He attached diodes to Peter's shield and reveals that it is now a Holy Symbol that Peter can use when casting magic.  He says that there is likely more to it but that Peter will need assistance from someone more skilled in magic to help discover what that is.  He also talked to Peter about how Haven is one of many locations where demigods gather together for safety.  He mentions that Haven is the safest as it receives protection from the Haze from mortals but is also protected from monsters.  The other locations are only protected by the Haze.  Peter walked back to the forge with Liam and realized that Liam is doing the work that about seven people should be doing.   Quinn went to the library after watching the wardings and asked the librarian for assistance in finding information about which gods have power over the elements.  She learned that Zeus controls lightning, Demeter controls earth, Poseidon controls water, and Hephaestus controls fire.  When she looked back further, she found information on the Primordial Deities.  She found additional information on Thesis: Primordial Goddess of Creation, Uranus: Primordial God of the Heavens, and Phanes: Primordial God of Life/Procreation before she read about the Titans.  This showed her the creation story and revealed information about many different creatures.  She did not find any information about a deity who controls all of the elements but learned that many gods do not have clearly defined abilities.  Quinn then asked the librarian about what makes Haven special.  She revealed that the tree that stands at the entrance to Haven contains the soul of a girl named Thalia, a daughter of Zeus, who died while escorting Liam, Hazel, and Jessica to Haven.  She died protecting them from monsters, and Zeus placed her soul within the tree at the entrance to Haven.  Her spirit continues to protect Haven to this day.  The librarian notes that no one is aware if anything happened to Zeus since he broke his oath on the river Styx.  The librarian realized too late that she had been using Zeus's name the whole time she was talking about him, which could have drawn his attention to her.  Nothing has happened to her... yet. The librarian warned Quinn not to bring up Thalia with Liam, Hazel, and Jessica.  She also speculated that their guilt was the driving force behind their decision to come back to Haven and teach other demigods.   Peter went to work out with Colin.  He had another awkward interaction with Clarice, but she clearly did not want to attack him.  The workout went well, but Peter was not close to the leaderboards.  Colin tried to be very encouraging of Peter though Peter was not upset.     Quinn found Hazel and asked what they should be working on.  Hazel stated that she would begin training Peter and Quinn to use the Haze to their advantage the next morning.     Peter and Quinn exchanged the information they had learned and went to get lunch in the pavilion.  Everyone else there went silent when Colin and Clarice entered the pavilion as they were watching to see if a conflict would take place.  Quinn called them over.  Colin could be heard acting as Clarice's hype man.  They approached, and Clarice apologized.  After realizing a fight was not imminent, the other residents returned to their meals.  Clarice told them that she was scared she would hurt them again.  Both Peter and Quinn discovered that some form of magic had been used on Clarice which made her act on feelings she normally would not have acted on.  Another spell had also been used to make it impossible to determine the exact nature of the original spell or track the spell-caster.  Peter realized that Clarice was no longer a threat and would not be unless the original spell was cast on her again.  Peter and Quinn both worked together to convince Clarice to join them for lunch.  She sat down at the table, and this is where our session ended.

A World of Myth and Magic Campaign

Peter Stevens

Human ()
Paladin 8
68 / 68 HP

Quinn Quade

Human (Art/astronomy student)
Wild Magic Sorcerer 7
Bard 1
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
03 Dec 2022

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