Anchored worlds History of Barovia Timeline
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History of Barovia

A history of Barovia and those characters important to its history.

The Nameless Valley

8458 9114

Prior to the Terg invasion of Svitar, the valley was a nameless geographical location. It was under the protection not only of the sun god Reve, but of a local deity of harmony and sunlight.

  • Over 800 years ago
    Barov von Zarovich Born
    Life, Birth

    Barov von Zarovich was born, the only child of his parents, in a quiet unnamed valley in his father's county. His birth was extremely difficult for his mother, who passed away later that year from complications.

    Barovia Valley
  • 800 years ago
    Branwen Zima born
    Life, Birth

    A young girl was born to the Zima family, a noble line of Svitar. The birth was celebrated. Though Branwen was one of many children, her parents' love for each other meant every birth was as delightful as the last.

  • Almost 800 years ago
    Yeva Zima Born
    Life, Birth

    The Zima clan was a large noble family in Svitar. The elder son of the family had only one child, a daughter he cared nothing for.

  • Almost 800 years ago
    Strahd von Zarovich Born
    Life, Birth

    Strahd was born to the Count Barov von Zarovich and his young wife Branwen. The birth of the first son was celebrated in the family.

  • Over 750 years ago
    Semyon von Zarovich Born

    The second son born to Barov and Branwen von Zarovich, Semyon was celebrated nearly as much as his elder brother. His father desired a strong enduring line, and two sons only made this more likely.

  • Over 750 years ago
    Rahadin Adopted into Von Zarovich Family
    Life, Relationship change

    Grateful to the young boy's assistance in Svitar's victory over the Duskwine Queendom, Count Barov von Zarovich inducted Rahadin into his own family and took the elf in as an adopted son.

  • Over 750 years ago
    Sergei von Zarovich Born
    Life, Birth

    The youngest son of Barov and Branwen von Zarovich, Sergei was beloved by his mother.

  • 750 years ago
    Strahd made a General
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    After being in the military from the age of seven, the eldest Von Zarovich son was awarded the title of General in the Svitaran army.

  • 750 years ago
    Nortenia Occupies Svitar
    Military: War

    Svitar found themselves on the receiving end of their usual aggression when the neighboring Nortenia invaded and occupied the country for over a decade. Though some small areas managed to remain independent, at the end of the decade-long war, Nortenia held most of the country.

    Additional timelines
  • 750 years ago
    Count Barov Dies
    Life, Death

    Count Barov was killed in combat against the Tergs, shortly after making the command for his family and forces to retreat to his ancestral home.

  • 750 years ago
    Sergei Arrives in Barovia
    Life, Relocation

    Traveling in a separate convoy from his mother, Sergei Von Zarovich survived to see the valley his elder brother, who he had never met before, had secured.

    Barovia Valley
  • 750 years ago
    Countess Branwein Dies
    Life, Death

    Shortly after her son Strahd arrived in the valley, Countess Branwen made the journey to join her eldest son, accompanied by her younger. However, her convoy was ambushed on the way, and the Countess lost her life.

  • 750 years ago
    Strahd Secures Barovia
    Military action

    After a long year of fighting, Strahd manages to drive the Tergs out of his valley and admit his sovereignty. He named the valley Barovia for his late father, and swore to defend it from all enemies.

    Barovia Valley

Barovia Independent

9114 and beyond

744 years ago, Strahd von Zarovich I defended the valley from the occupying Tergs, named it Barovia for his father, and established it as a sovereign state under his protection.

  • 750 years ago
    Strahd Secures Barovia
    Military action

    After a long year of fighting, Strahd manages to drive the Tergs out of his valley and admit his sovereignty. He named the valley Barovia for his late father, and swore to defend it from all enemies.

    Barovia Valley
  • 744 Years Ago (0 BR)
    Castle Ravenloft Built
    Construction beginning/end

    After five years of construction, the completion of the Von Zarovich family home, named Castle Ravenloft for Count Strahd's late mother, was celebrated. Although the Count had declared the valley an independent state under his rule five years prior, it is the date that the castle was completed that locals consider the true "birth" of Barovia. The year is marked as the beginning of the Barovian calendar, year 0 BR (Barovian Reckoning.)

    Castle Ravenloft
  • 742 Years Ago (2 BR)
    Sergei, Strahd, and Tatyana Die
    Life, Death

    On the eve of his wedding, Sergei Von Zarovich was killed. His elder brother Strahd and his betrothed, Tatyana, perished on the same night.

    Castle Ravenloft
  • 550 Years Ago
    Azalin Rex Enters Barovia
    Life, Relocation

  • 520 Years Ago
    Azalin Rex Leaves Barovia
    Life, Relocation

  • 500 years ago
    Marina Born
    Life, Birth
  • 475 years ago
    Marina Dies
    Life, Death
  • 350 years ago
    Vardani Born
    Life, Birth
  • 327 years ago
    Vardani Dies
    Life, Death
  • 140 years ago
    Serafima Born
    Life, Birth
  • 115 years ago
    Serafima Dies
    Life, Death
    Barovia Valley
  • 679 BR
    Ezmeralda The Elder Born
    Life, Birth

    The only child of her parents, Ezmerelda Ozols grew up to be an accomplished hunter and monster hunter.

    Barovia Valley
  • 702 BR
    The Younger Ezmeralda Born
    Life, Birth

    Some years ago, the Elder Ezmeralda gave birth to a baby girl who was named for her mother. The babe was adored by her parents, and spoiled as much as their lifestyle allowed.

    Barovia Valley
  • 710 BR
    The Abbot Arrives in Barovia
    Life, Relocation

    Nearly 35 years ago in the spring, The Abbot arrived in Barovia along with a small party of adventurers.

    Barovia Valley
    More reading
    The "Victorious" Party
  • 710 BR
    The Abbot's Party Failed
    Life, Death

    The party of adventurers that accompanied The Abbot entered Strahd's castle, and many locals believed it was to kill Strahd himself. None of them ever returned, but with their deaths, many truths were revealed to the people of Barovia.

  • 716 BR
    Ismark Born
    Life, Birth

    The only child born to the Barovian Burgomaster, Ismark "the Lesser" Kolyanovich was born in the depth of winter.

    Barovia Village
  • 25 years ag
    Ireena, Izek, Thera, and Agueda
    Life, Birth
    Additional timelines
  • 734 BR
    Voski Is Created
    Life, Birth

    After years of working, The Abbott was successful in creating a life from nothing. He named his creation Voski, and immediately began instructing her in the ways of court and etiquette.

  • Today (Larzia 879, 744 BR)
    Campaign Begins

    This is the day that the Barovia Blues and the Escape the Black Isle campaigns begin.

    Additional timelines