Session 8: Dungeon Crawl Part 2 Report

General Summary

The member of Charlie Team is a female Triton named Alrohyn Gomurath. She is weak and feverish, but is able to move under her own power by leaning on a spear loaned to her by Zeke Abd Al Rashid.

The group is attacked repeatedly by undead monsters. Ulfgar Shadowhammer discovers the Drukar is malfunctioning, first by shutting off completely, then by having the countdown accelerate. The party hurries through the dungeon, battling undead, traps, and mimics. The party expends a significant amount of resources, and take a considerable amount of damage. They finally arrive at the door leading to the room where the portal will open. Graham White and Lilmeia Garibaldi work to get the door open. As they do so, however, Alrohyn suddenly turns on Nora Pandost, stabbing her with the broken head of the spear. Ulfgar, who suspected treachery, attacks, but is also stabbed. Missed saves them with a well-placed arrow, and Zeke moves immediately to keep her stabilized. 

The portal room is the stuff of nightmares. Gore and viscera are everywhere. Symbols have been designed from the remains to create some sort of ritual on the floor. Nora and Ulfgar take notes as fast as they can, but the portal opens into the floor and according to the drukar it would not stay open for long. Battered and traumatized, the team goes through the portal and back home.

Back in the portal chamber it is apparent they have not arrived as expected. After some initial confusion, Bugdul Gular has Alrohyn taken into custody and cared for, and Christine Chapple takes the team to the infirmary where she treats their wounds and gives them an elixir to force them to rest.

Six hours later the party awakes feeling refreshed. Wisebear stands guard with Dr. Chapple, and after a quick snack leads them to meet with the Portal Council, along with Bugdal and Helna Gearwaddle

The party comes before the council, and a bit of a row ensues. Tensions have been building and boil over. Here are the highlights:

  • The council is at cross purposes intentionally, in order to ensure a balance through tension.
  • They have been hiding information as a result of a lack of trust amongst the council, and this has lead to the party not being told important details and going without key equipment.
  • The teams, explains Geoffrey Boulderdown angrily, are absolutely expendable. This is for the safety of all of Eberron. 
  • The portals cannot be destroyed. They can be buried, but that doesn't mean something couldn't come through. The only choice is to learn as much as they can as quickly as they can. 
  • The first four teams that went through the portal all are dead or went missing. They closed the project down, but the reality of the situation meant they couldn't keep it that way. So, they tried to restart it carefully.

  The session ends with the party being given a week of leave, though per Dr. Chapple only three days may be spent on any projects relating to the portal.

Rewards Granted

75 gold each
2 uncommon magic items
Party reached level 4

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
A Terrible End by Graham
Report Date
26 Oct 2022

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