Fri 25th Nov 2022 07:34

A Terrible End

by Sir Graham White

As I suspected the woman we found was not charlie but a member of his team by the name of Alrohyn Gomurath. We did what we could to keep her alive as we made our way to the exit. Though even the doors of this cursed place attacked us. Ulfgar was able to guide us to the place where the portal was to open. I believe that the final chamber contained the corpses of charlie and the rest of his team. The dark magic of that chamber was.... the same as that which I fought so many years ago. It brought a flood of memories back to me. Thankfully I was able to draw upon the strength of the light and push through the darkness.
Sadly I think the sight was too much for Alrohyn and she attacked us out of madness. Thankfully we were able to restrain her before she caused too much harm to herself or others. What happened afterward was a bit of a blur. The doctor gave us something to help us sleep. Though they seemed confused about how long we were gone. That or we slept for much longer. I'm still not entirely clear on it.
We did speak with the council though and I was finally able to make them understand that they need to put forth basic support like we would give our scouts in the war. I've been helping the portal team develop better scouting methods. I also acquired an outfit that can adapt to every possible environment we may find ourselves in. I don't know why it was so hard for the council to understand that we need these things in order to be successful. I was able to pickup a similar outfit for Zeke. I've explained the benefits of such gear to the others but they seem hesitant to similarly equip themselves. Maybe they just don't know where to go to purchase clothing like this.