Session 4: Peace Summit Report

General Summary

Indigo Team, along with Grop, begin their journey back. Along the way the party decide to split up. Grop goes with Ulfgar Shadowhammer and Zeke Abd Al Rashid back to the camp to prepare for the summit. Nora Pandost, Graham White, and Lilmeia Garibaldi head to the town to negotiate.

Back in New Haven the party meet with the mayor, Rhanland Bearden, alongside Ig Fortee and other town officials. The party explain the offer. The response is initially hostile, but after some consideration the mayor and Ig begin to see the wisdom in the approach. Despite some latent hostility from other leaders the mayor agrees to meet with Zeg, the new goblin chief. While in New Haven Graham purchases 2 full barrels of Q5 ale and 6 empty Q9 1/4 barrels for future trade.

The next morning Zeke works with Bengy and Ingee to prep the camp for the summit. Upon seeing the trade goods Graham had purchased, Salvatore the Blessed gives Graham a bag of holding. He tells Graham to put half the goods into the bag, and report the other half to the Portal Council.

The human team arrives 15 minutes early, much to the concern of Grop. Grop explains arriving early is considered incredibly suspicious, and is assumed to mean an ambush is imminent. Lilmeia flies off with a "peace bone" to find the goblin entourage and smooth things over. After some initial hesitation the goblins decide to trust the humans. The humans bringing ale helps immensely. The party is paid their requested price- 5 small magical items. They are children's toys, but the best the town can afford to give.

After the summit the groups leave, and a few hours later the portal opens. The party travels through the portal back to Morgrave University. Bugdul Gular, Geoffrey Boulderdown, and Elaniel Iaracaryn are waiting to debrief them. After a brief examination and clearance from Dr. Christine Chapple the party head upstairs.

The debrief is successful. Graham isn't happy about the trade goods, but the party is allowed to keep their purchased goods until the council discuses it. The reported half is kept in storage, Graham puts the half in the bag of holding into his room, and then returns the bag. They are pleased with the improved relations and pleased enough with the magical items brought back. The party is paid 30gp each for their work.

Rewards Granted

Party reaches Level 3 Party receives 30 gold each

Team Indigo

Graham White

Player Journals
Heads, Goblins, and Councils by Graham
Report Date
17 Aug 2022

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