Sun 4th Sep 2022 05:57

Heads, Goblins, and Councils

by Sir Graham White

We met with the mayor and his councilmen and showed them the decapitated head of the old bandit leader. They initially got upset about the display until we calmly explained the situation. Once they understood exactly what had happened they calmed down and agreed to meet with the new bandit leader. We then pooled our money to purchase trade goods that we would be able to use on our next trip. We then mediated at a neutral location and everything went exceptionally well. We then returned back home where we spoke with the expedition leaders. They were displeased that we've broken some of their stipulations, namely that we should not leave anything behind from Sharn. I admit that I didn't even consider that our money would count as such an item. Especially when the locals readily accepted it and didn't even consider it to be foreign coinage. Moving forward this won't be an issue. I found a book on religious ceremonies and a lot of it makes so much sense. I don't understand why they teach magic in such a complicated way here when really it's shaped by your belief.
Messenger swift, and goblin friend
she Impishly returns with them on the wind
once home She speaks the truth when asked
and then delightfully Tallies the score unabashed
Nimble translator and student of lore
she Organizes the facts that came before
she then Rightly speaks with veracity and intent
about all the Articles that arrived broken and bent
Zeolitic priest and encouraging friend
he Ever finds a way to transcend
through the Knaggy details that ever do come
As we fully Explain what we have done