Campaign 1

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Taedalowyn
| Looking for Players

Scheduled Sessions

Sat 16th January 2021 3:30

Session 9: The Journey to Broughton in the Bay of Spheres Part 1

After a somber funeral for your deceased friend and companion Brel the group begins their trek towards the city of Broughton in the Bay of spheres. The intention is to contact the ally Kathil spoke of and find a way into the Feywild. The balance of the war may hang in the success of your mission. Will the Blade of Hakra save the Empire or will the Kobold Matter lead to destruction from within?

Sat 11th April 2020 3:30

Chapter 1: The Vanishing

You are stuck indoors at a shitty "tavern" in the Hamlet of Breminster. You, like most adventurer's were drawn to the Calidar Mountains in search of of the tomb of Hakra. For years adventurer's made the pilgrimage in search of the coveted treasure, powerful secrets and the implements of supreme power that the tomb is rumored to possess. Of course those rumors started over 10 years ago and the stream of adventurer's has stemmed from the early days of discovery. Of all the ill luck though a storm rolled in before you got to the tomb and you were forced to seek shelter in this "tavern" while the wind outside howls away and the snow whirls angrily outside.

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Critis Zoma

Vanril Freebird

Level 6 Half-Elf Neutral Rogue 5, Fighter 1
(Criminal, Smuggler)
10 / 46 HP

Romulus Ward

Level 6 Shifter Barbarian
/ HP


Level 1 Changeling Chaotic Good Rogue
/ HP